Resources | node | addressContext | zone | sipTrunkGroup | signaling


Parameters controlling the specifics of the SIP signaling for this SIP trunk group.

Exists on Condition /system/isOAM ='true'


callingPartyO Specifies what SIP headers may be used when determining the Calling Party information.
TCPFallbackO Maximum Size of PDU accepted over UDP.
P-HeaderExtensionsO Prescribes behavior associated with various 3GPP P-Headers.
sdpTransparencyO sdp Transparency controls.
messageManipulationO Manipulation of SIP headers or content.
causeCodeMappingO Controls the mapping of CPC cause codes to/from SIP cause codes.
methodsO Specifies whether to allow or reject various SIP methods.
retryCountersO Retry counter values for various SIP request types.
timersO Retransmission and session-keepalive timer parameters.
registrationO Parameters controlling registration relay behavior.
authenticationO Parameters controlling non registered authentication behavior.
transportPreferenceO The preference ordering of allowed SIP transports.
E164ProfilesO Contains the Local and Global E164Profiles associated to this trunk group.
X-HeadersO Controls the X and P Header behavior applicable to this trunk group.
postDialDelayO Post Dial Delay flags.
nassImsAuthO This flag specifies the type of access network(tispan-nass) this Trunk Group represents.
generateOrReplacePCVO Generate or Replace PCV flags.

curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X GET https://{SBX-SERVER}/restconf/data/sonusNodeList:node={nodeName}/sonusNodeListAddressContext:addressContext={name}/sonusNodeListZone:zone={name}/sonusNodeListSipTrunkGroup:sipTrunkGroup={name}/signaling

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