REST API Method: POST /rest/snmptargetaddress/{identifier}

Modifies a SNMP Management Addresses Table given a specific Table ID.


HTTP Method


Requires Authentication:



Parameter Name Required Service Affecting Data Type Default Value Possible Values Description
sCommTypeNoNoEnum1Possible values:
  • 0 - snmpCommNone
  • 1 - snmpReadOnly
  • 2 - snmpreadWrite
SNMP community type. Only 'snmpReadOnly' is supported.
snmpCommunityYesNostringnone128 - Max Length SNMP community used for communicating with the manager.
snmpMgrAddrYesNostringnone256 - Max Length SNMP manager address(IP address or FQDN)
snmpTrapEnableYesNoint1Possible values:
  • 0 - Minimum
  • 1 - Maximum
Indicates if this manager accepts the traps. Default set to enabled(1), but can be disabled(0).
snmpVersionYesNoEnum0Possible values:
  • 0 - snmpV2
  • 1 - snmpV3
SNMP version to use for this SNMP manager.
usmUsernameYesNostringnone32 - Max Length USM username for SNMP v3 Manager.
authProtocolYesNoEnum2Possible values:
  • 0 - authNone
  • 1 - authMD5
  • 2 - authSHA1
Authorization Protocol for this SNMP manager.
EncryptedAuthPassphraseYesNostringnone128 - Max Length Authorization passphrase for this SNMP manager.
privProtocolYesNoEnum1Possible values:
  • 0 - privNone
  • 1 - privAES128
Privacy Protocol for this SNMP manager.
EncryptedPrivPassphraseYesNostringnone128 - Max Length Privacy passphrase for this SNMP manager.

Helpful Tip

The POST can contain either only the attributes that are being updated, or the full set of attributes for the resource

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