
Create SBC SWe in GCP security group rules for the subnets associated with the following interfaces using the tables corresponding to each type of interface.

  • MGT0
  • HA0
  • PKT0
  • PKT1

Customize security groups based on your network security requirements.
(Refer to Common Public Cloud Security Group Rules for SBC SWe-specific rules) 


  1.  Navigate to the VPC Network.
  2. Navigate to Firewall.
  3. Select Create a firewall rule.
  4. Enter/select details in the fields and select options, as indicated below:
    1. Name: Enter the firewall rule name
    2. Description: Enter a description
    3. Logs: Choose "Off"
    4. Network (VPC network for MGT0): Select "mgt0"
    5. Direction of traffic: Choose "Ingress"
    6. Action on match: Choose "Allow"
    7. Targets: Choose "All Instances in the Network"
    8. Source filter: Choose "IP ranges"
    9. Source IP ranges: Enter IP address ranges according to Ribbon standards
    10. Second source filter: Select "None"
    11. Protocols and ports: Select the protocol and port for the specified IP range according to the Ribbon standards

  5. Click CREATE.
  6. Repeat steps 4-5 for HA, PKT0 and PKT1 interfaces.