SNMP NameptIOManagerMpmtp2SoftwareRestartRequired
DescriptionTrap is raised when the configuration selection has changed. A software restart is required on this slot number in order for the change to take effect. Configuration change partly complete.
ApplicationI/O Hardware
ActionSee the following Recommended Action

Recommended Action

If this alarm is raised, follow these steps.


Use the system start and stop commands with care on a live system. Rebooting the I/O card causes all links associated to that I/O card to become temporarily unavailable.

  1. Log in to the Web UI as root.

  2. From the System Main Menu, click Processes.

  3. Click System Start/Stop Processes.

  4. Select the appropriate I/O card from the Slot Selection drop-down list.

  5. Select Reboot.

  6. Click Continue.

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