This following diagram shows a high-level flow of the SBC 7000 installation sequence, from rack mounting the SBC chassis to placing your first call.

Installation Sequence

Click a link below to go to an installation task based upon your SBC type and configuration options:

  1. Rack mount the chassis:
    1. Rack Mounting the SBC 7000 Chassis

  2. Connect Ethernet and data cables:
    1. Connecting SBC 7000 Ethernet and Data Cables

  3. Connect power to SBC and power on:
    1. Connecting Power to SBC 7000 and Powering On

  4. Upgrade BMC firmware (if required):
    1. Upgrading SBC 7000 Series Firmware

  5. Configure SBC platform (BMC, management interfaces, NTP):
    1. Configuring the SBC 7000 Platform

  6. Install SecureLink for Remote Access

  7. Install SBC Application Software
  8. Configure SBC for a basic call flow and make first call

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