Launching of a High-availability Front End instance requires access to the script. Upload this script to an S3 bucket available to the user's region in advance of a launch attempt of the HFE. The script and role are re-usable across multiple instances of HFE nodes in the region.

To make the script available, complete the following procedure:

  1. Click the Services drop-down list.
    The Services list is displayed.

  2. From the left pane click S3:


  3. The S3 buckets Dashboard page is displayed.

    S3 Bucket Page

  4. Click Create bucket.
    The Create bucket page is displayed.

    Create Bucket Page

  5. Enter a name for the bucket in the Bucket name field.
  6. Select the Region from which this bucket is to be accessed.
  7. Click Next.
    The Configure options page of the Create bucket is displayed.

    Create Bucket Configure Options Page

  8. Fill the radio button next to Keep all versions of an object in the same bucket.
  9. Click Next.
    The Set Permissions page of Create bucket is displayed.

    Create bucket Set Permissions Page

  10. Accept all defaults (all boxes checked).
  11. Select Do not grant Amazon S3 Log Delivery group write access to this bucket from the drop-down under Manage system permissions.
  12. Click Next.
    The Review page of Create bucket is displayed.

    Create Bucket Review Page

  13. Click Create bucket, and the bucket creates with the chosen name.
    The screen returns to the S3 buckets page.
  14. Click on the name of the newly created bucket in the list.
    The S3 bucket contents are listed.
  15. Optionally, a folder can be created to upload the script into by clicking Create folder and providing a folder name.
  16. Click Upload and then select the script from your computer for upload, then click Upload.

    Upload Page

  17. Click on the newly added file name and record the Object URL of the script. This will be needed later. File Overview