REST API Method: POST /rest/asmvirtualmachine?action=vmupdate

This resource defines the vmupdate action on the ASM Virtual Machine Resource .

Ensure that the SBA is successfully activated.


HTTP Method


Requires Authentication:



Parameter Name Required Service Affecting Data Type Default Value Possible Values Description
ConfigIEStateNoYesEnum1Possible values:
  • 0 - esDISABLED
  • 1 - esENABLED
Specifies the Administrative State of the resource.
ItemIndexNoNoint0 Index of the VM described in this IE.
DescriptionNoNo Description of the VM.
StateNoNoEnum0Possible values:
  • 0 - avmsUnknown
  • 1 - avmsRunning
  • 2 - avmsStopped
  • 3 - avmsStopping
  • 4 - avmsSaved
  • 5 - avmsPaused
  • 6 - avmsStarting
  • 7 - avmsSaving
State of the VM.
LogicalCpuNoNoint0 Number of logical CPU assign (1-8).
CpuUsageNoNoint0 Current usage of the CPU (0-100).
AssignedMemoryNoNoint0 Amount of memory assigned for this virtual machine MB.
MemoryDemandNoNoint0 Amount of memory used by this virtual machine MB.
UptimeNoNolong0 Displays the amount of time the ASM has been running.
NetworkAdapterNoNoEnum4Possible values:
  • 0 - avmnNone
  • 1 - avmnOne
  • 2 - avmnTwo
  • 3 - avmnOneTwo
  • 4 - avmnUnknown
Define which network adapter is attached on the VM.
MaxNetworkAdapterNoNoint0 Number of virtual switch available of the ASM.
ipGatewayNoYesstringnone45 - Max Length Specifies the default gateway for a manually configured address on this VM. May be overwrited when DHCP is enabled.
MACAddress1NoNostringnone16 - Max Length Contains the MAC address for the ethernet port 1.
DHCPEnabled1NoYesEnum0Possible values:
  • 0 - btFalse
  • 1 - btTrue
Enables Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) for the ethernet port 1. If DHCP is enabled, it overrides the IP address and DNS settings.
ipAddress1NoYesstringnone45 - Max Length Specifies a manually configured address on the ethernet port 1. Applicable when DHCP is not enabled.
ipNetmask1NoYesstringnone16 - Max Length Specifies the netmask for a manually configured address on the ethernet port 1. Applicable when DHCP is not enabled.
DNSServerPref1NoYesstringnone64 - Max Length Specifies a manually configured Domain Name Server address for IP name resolution on the ethernet port 1. This server is used first for DNS requests. Applicable when DHCP is not enabled.
DNSServerAlt1NoYesstringnone64 - Max Length Specifies a manually configured Domain Name Server address for IP name resolution on the ethernet port 1. This server is used when the Preferred DNS server is slow or unreachable. Applicable when DHCP is not enabled.
MACAddress2NoNostringnone16 - Max Length Contains the MAC address for the ethernet port 2.
DHCPEnabled2NoYesEnum0Possible values:
  • 0 - btFalse
  • 1 - btTrue
Enables Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) for the ethernet port 2. If DHCP is enabled, it overrides the IP address and DNS settings.
ipAddress2NoYesstringnone45 - Max Length Specifies a manually configured address on the ethernet port 2. Applicable when DHCP is not enabled.
ipNetmask2NoYesstringnone16 - Max Length Specifies the netmask for a manually configured address on the ethernet port 2. Applicable when DHCP is not enabled.
DNSServerPref2NoYesstringnone64 - Max Length Specifies a manually configured Domain Name Server address for IP name resolution on the ethernet port 2. This server is used first for DNS requests. Applicable when DHCP is not enabled.
DNSServerAlt2NoYesstringnone64 - Max Length Specifies a manually configured Domain Name Server address for IP name resolution on the ethernet port 2. This server is used when the Preferred DNS server is slow or unreachable. Applicable when DHCP is not enabled.
InterfaceName1NoYesstringnone64 - Max Length Displays the name of the ethernet port 1.
InterfaceName2NoYesstringnone64 - Max Length Displays the name of the ethernet port 2.
WindowsLicenseStateNoNoEnum2Possible values:
  • 0 - wlsNotLicensed
  • 1 - wlsLicensed
  • 2 - wlsUnknown
Indicates the Windows License State for the VM, if it's running a Windows guest OS.
HostnameNoNo Windows Hostname of the VM.

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