Use the System Media Port Range window to configure the allowed UDP port number range for RTP and RTCP media for the system. You have the option to configure up to 25 percent of the ports at either the top or the bottom of the configured port range as high priority ports. If the SBC experiences congestion conditions, packets received on ports outside the high priority media range can be dropped automatically, but the SBC does not drop packets from ports within the high priority range. Therefore, if you choose to configure SIP signaling ports within the media port range, Sonus recommends they reside within the high priority port range so that packets are not dropped.

On the SBC main screen, go to All > System > Media > Media Port Range. The Media Port Range window opens.

Media Port Range (System) window

The following options appear:

Media Port Range parameters



Base UDP Port

Specifies the lowest numeric UDP port number for RTP media (inclusive). Default port number is 1024. The value range from 1024 - 65534.

Max UDP Port

Specifies the highest numeric UDP port number for RTP media (inclusive). The default value is 65148. The value range from 1024 - 65534.
Note: An error message appears if you set the range to a value greater than 65148 because that overlaps a Linux reserved port range (65150 to 65535). Do not specify a value greater than 65148.

High Priority Range LocationSpecifies whether the high priority port range, if specified, occurs at the top or the bottom of the media port range.
High Priority Port Range SizeSpecifies the percentage of the configured port range to include in the high priority range. Specifying 0 disables having a high priority range. The supported values are 0 to 25.

Make any required changes and click Save.