In this section:
Default values are enclosed in square brackets [ ].
% set addressContext default zone <ZONE> sipTrunkGroup <SIP_TG> signaling registration preserveRcbOnRefreshRegErrResponse <disabled | enabled>
Parameter Description
Parameter | Length/Range | Default | Description | M/O |
preserveRcbOnRefreshRegErrResponse | n/a | disabled | Enable this parameter to allow the SBC to preserve the RCB on receiving error response ( If disabled, the SBC deletes the RCB.
, the SBC exhibits the default characteristics even if the parameter is enabled . | O |
Commands and tables supporting the site license server (SLS) have been removed. The related licensing is no longer supported. In a related change, the license mode previously referred to as "legacy" has been renamed with the more descriptive term "node locked." The term "nodeLocked" now appears in license-related table output.
The updated command to set license mode appears below:
% set system licenseMode mode <domain | nodeLocked>
The following tables are no longer populated and are not available using show table system
or show status system
The command to reset license status tables has been removed.
A SIP Cause response code, subsEndPointRatePolicing,
is added to the SipInternalCauseMapProfile
under causeMap
to map the sipCause
status when the CAC profile is attached to IpPeer.
The sipCauseText
configuration is added to internalSipCauseMapProfile
to send the sipCause
text in the Reason header of the SIP error response to reject the SUBSCRIBE request.
% set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping internalSipCauseMapProfile <profile_name> causeMap congestionPolicing sipCause <300-606> otherReqRatePolicing sipCause <300-606> regRatePolicing sipCause <300-606> regTGLimit sipCause <300-606> regTimeout sipCause <300-606> subsEndPointRatePolicing sipCause <300 - 606> subsRatePolicing sipCause <300-606> subsTGLimit sipCause <300-606>
% set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping internalSipCauseMapProfile <profile name> causeMap subsEndPointRatePolicing sipCause <300 - 606>
% set profiles signaling sipCauseCodeMapping internalSipCauseMapProfile <profile_name> causeMap subsEndPointRatePolicing sipCauseText <0 ..127>
Parameter | Length/Range | Default | Description | M/O |
subsEndPointRatePolicing | N/A | 0 | Internal Sip Cause code to map SUBSCRIBE Endpoint CAC default error response. | Optional |
Parameter | Length/Range | Default | Description | M/O |
sipCauseText | 0 – 127 | NULL | The Internal Sip Cause text that is used in the Reason Header of the error response to reject the SUBSCRIBE Request. | Optional |
The CLI command, msrpMux
, controls whether MSRP multiplexing (reusing the same TCP connection for multiple MSRP sessions with the same IP peer) is enabled on a SIP trunk group. MSRP multiplexing applies only to MSRP sessions established using back-to-back user agent (B2BUA) behavior. Multiplexing cannot be applied to MSRP sessions established following the RFC 6714 “Connection Establishment for Media Anchoring” (CEMA) type of handling.
% set addressContext <addressContextName> zone <zoneName> sipTrunkGroup <trunkGroupName> media msrpMux <enabled | disabled>
Parameter | Length/Range | Default | Description | M/O |
msrpMux | n/a | disabled | Enable this flag to reuse an existing TCP connection with an IP peer for multiple MSRP sessions (MSRP multiplexing). MSRP multiplexing applies only to MSRP sessions established using back-to-back user agent (B2BUA) behavior. Multiplexing cannot be applied to MSRP sessions established based on the RFC 6714 “Connection Establishment for Media Anchoring” (CEMA) type of handling. The options are:
| Optional |
The following parameter is added in the callCountCurrentStatistics and callCountIntervalStatistics tables:
Parameter | Description |
licenseMode | Current SBC license mode. Possible values:
When using either the OAM or Direct Single cluster configuration mode for an SBC SWe Cloud deployment on OpenStack, the following command explicitly saves and activates a configuration revision and triggers storing the configuration revision on EMS.
request system admin <system name> saveAndActivate
Additional operational data is available to support cluster configuration management:
show status|table system activeRevision configMode isOAM
show status|table system admin <system name> savedConfigurations
Parameter | Default | Description |
saveAndActivate | n/a | Issue this command to explicitly save and activate a configuration revision and to trigger storing the configuration revision on EMS. This action is only available in SBC SWe Cloud deployments on OpenStack. |
Parameter | Description |
activeRevision | Use this parameter to output the numeric identifier for the configuration revision that is currently active on an SBC SWe Cloud cluster deployment. |
configMode | Use this parameter to output the configuration mode for the node. Options are:
isOAM | Use this parameter to output whether the node is an OAM node. Options are:
Parameter | Description |
savedConfigurations | Use this parameter to output a list of configuration revisions saved on the OAM node identified by revision number and a timestamp. Available only on OAM nodes. |
The parameter, ipVar
, is added to gwSigPort
to support IP address (IPV4 or IPV6 address) configurations for gwSigPor
t in SBC SWe Cloud.
set addressContext <addressContext_name> zone <zone_name> gwSigPort <#> ipInterfaceGroupName <name> ipVar <IPv4 or IPv6 private ip> mode <inService | outOfService> portNumber <#> role <primary | secondary> state <disabled | enabled>
Parameter | Length/Range | Default | Description | M/O |
ipVar | 1 - 255 characters | NA | Metavariable name associated with the gateway signaling port IP address. This is used to configure gateway signaling IP address in Cloud. SBC SWe | O |
The following profiles are added:
Also added are:
Also, under numberTranslationCriteria, the following are added:
The following sections provide details on the CLI changes.
the adProfile
is added to the CLI.
The SBC uses three configurations uses to sync data from remote server that are configured in the AD Profile:
Command Syntax
% set profiles adProfile <DEFAULT_AD_PROFILE> sync <disable/enable> delayedSync <Time> syncInterval <time> applyNormalization <disable/enable> adServerList <list> dcServer <server name>
Command Parameters
adProfile Parameters
Flexible Parameter | Length/Range | Default | Description | M/O |
adProfile | NA | DEFAULT_AD_PROFILE | AD Profile name | M |
adServerList | 1 - 32 | NA | Configure AD servers to sync data | M |
applyNormalization | disable/enable | disable | Normalize the data received from AD Server | O |
delayedSync | NA | NA | Delayed sync for the specified duration. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. The date and time value should be greater than the current system time. | M |
sync | disable/enable | disable | Enabling or disabling of sync operation with AD server | O |
syncInterval | 60 - 43200 | 60 | Input the Periodic Sync Interval Timer in Minutes | M |
is added to SIP ARS profile. These are added to the existing syntax below:set profiles services sipArsProfile <Profilename> blkListAlgRetryAfterMethods <sip-invite | sip-register |sip-subscribe |sip-notify | sip-options>
Two new parameters are added to SIP Trunk Group configuration: localSurvivabilityState
and allowLocalRegistration
. These are added to the existing syntax below:
Enable allowLocalRegistration
towards Access side not towards AS side and localSurvivableState
on both sides (Access and AS).
is enabled so that localSurvivableState
can be enabled.
set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> services localSurvivability localSurvivableState <enable | disable > set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> services localSurvivability allowLocalRegistration <enable | disable >
Command Parameters
Parameter | Length/Range | Default | Description | M/O |
localSurvivableState | disabled | Enable this flag to activate local call routing. The SBC switches to localSurvivableMode if it is enabled. The options include:
| O | |
allowLocalRegistration | disabled | Enable this flag to allow local registration when the ARS blacklist the Applicatiotn Server (AS). If If The options include:
| M | |
blkListAlgRetryAfterMethods | NA | Use this parameter to specify the SIP request types to retry after blacklist algorithm. The options include:
| M |
CLI Examples
set addressContext default zone ZONE_IN sipTrunkGroup Ingress_TG services localSurvivability localSurvivableState enabled set addressContext default zone ZONE_IN sipTrunkGroup Ingress_TG services localSurvivability allowLocalRegistration enabled
To view the status of the local survivability state and allow local registration, execute the command:
show addressContext default zone ZONE_IN sipTrunkGroup Ingress_TG services localSurvivability localSurvivabilityState enabled; allowLocalRegistration enabled; [ok]
To set the methods to be used for retry-after blacklist algorithm, execute the command:
set profiles services sipArsProfile Sip_ARS_Profile_Name blkListAlgRetryAfterMethods Possible completions: sip-invite sip-notify sip-options sip-register sip-subscribe
To view the method of blacklisting with retry-after in SIP ARS Profile, execute the following command:
show details profiles services sipArsProfile Sip_ARS_Profile_Name blkListAlgorithms timeouts,retryafter; blkListAlgTimeoutsType sip-invite; blkListAlgTimeoutsNumTimeouts 1; blkListAlgTimeoutsDuration 1; blkListAlgNoRetryAfterNum503 1; blkListAlgNoRetryAfterDuration 1; blkListAlgRetryAfterMethods sip-register; blkListAlgRetryAfterType sip-503; midDialogArsScreenLevel never; recoveryAlgorithm probe; recoveryAlgTimerDuration 1; recoveryAlgProbeMethod sip-options; recoveryAlgProbeInterval 1; recoveryAlgProbeNumResponses 1; recoveryAlgProbeDuration 1; [ok]
The following is an example command of how to create an AD Profile.
set profiles adProfile DEFAULT_AD_PROFILE sync enable syncInterval 1440 delayedSync 2019-03-07T23:59:00 adServerList 1 dcServer ADSERVER1
The following example shows how to trigger manual sync:
request system admin <systemName> adManualSync
The domainController
object is added to the CLI. The domainController
configuration needs to be completed to fetch the data from the remote server. The domainController
entity holds data related to the remote Active Directory Server.
Command Syntax
The following command shows how to create a domain controller.
% set global servers domainController <server name> description <description> userName <username> password <password> primaryIP <x.x.x.x> ldapQueryCriteria <criteria> searchScope <search scope>
Command Parameters
domainController Parameters
Flexible Parameter | Length/Range | Default | Description | M/O |
domainController | 1 - 23 | NA | Domain Controller name | M |
description | 1 - 23 | NA | Active Directory Domain Controller Description | O |
ldapQueryCriteria | 1 - 127 | NA | Data will be fetched based on this query criteria | M |
password | 1 - 127 | NA | Active Directory Domain Controller Password | M |
primaryIP | NA | NA | Primary IP Address Of The Domain Controller | M |
remotePort | 1 - 65535 | 389 | Remote Server Port | O |
searchScope | 1 - 127 | NA | Scope of the Active Directory from where data shall be fetched | M |
secondaryIP | NA | NA | Secondary IP Address Of The Domain Controller | O |
useTLS | disable/enable | disable | If enabled, TLS shall be used for communication with this domain controller | O |
userName | 1 - 127 | NA | Active Directory Domain Controller Username | M |
Configure the ACL rule and management interface static route for the domain controller’s IP. This is to ensure that the management interface is used to send the LDAP query and packets from the AD server are allowed reach the application. The following is an example:
set global servers domainController adaserver userName rbbn password ribbon1 searchScope CN=Users,dc=sonusqa,dc=net ldapQueryCriteria cn=* primaryIP
The adAttributeMapProfile is added to the CLI. This profile allows the user to configure flexible AD attributes. For each attribute there is an AD attribute identified. This AD attribute identified is used as referenced in all other entities.
Command Syntax
The following command is used to create the AD Attribute Map Profile.
% set profiles adAttributeMapProfile <DEFAULT_AD_ATTRIBUTE_PROFILE > adAttributeList <adAttribute> adAttributeName <adAttributeName>
Command Parameters
adAttributeMapProfile Parameters
Flexible Parameter | Length/Range | Default | Description | M/O |
adAttributeMapProfile | NA | DEFAULT_AD_ATTRIBUTE_PROFILE | Ad attribute map profile name | M |
adAttributeList | 1 - 32 | NA | Ad attribute sequence to be mapped with attribute name | M |
adAttributeName | 1- 63 | NA | Ad attribute name | M |
The following is an example of how to create an AD Attribute Map Profile:
set profiles adAttributeMapProfile DEFAULT_AD_ATTRIBUTE_PROFILE adAttributeList adAttribute1 adAttributeName cn commit set profiles adAttributeMapProfile DEFAULT_AD_ATTRIBUTE_PROFILE adAttributeList adAttribute2 adAttributeName telephoneNumber commit set profiles adAttributeMapProfile DEFAULT_AD_ATTRIBUTE_PROFILE adAttributeList adAttribute3 adAttributeName mobile commit set profiles adAttributeMapProfile DEFAULT_AD_ATTRIBUTE_PROFILE adAttributeList adAttribute4 adAttributeName unixHomeDirectoryNumber commit
With the above configuration in the SBC, adAttribute1 refers to cn in all other entities like dmPm criteria, dmPm Rule and Call Parameter Filter Profile. Similarly adAttribute2 refers to telephoneNumber, and so on.
If any changes are made in this profile, and the data has already successfully synchronized before the modification, then perform a synchronization using either the manual sync command or wait until the syncInterval timer starts and synchronizes the data. Until synchronization is performed, the new modified data is not used, thus call failures can occur.
The callParameterFilterProfile
is added to the CLI.
Command Syntax
% set profiles callParameterFilterProfile <CPFP Name> callParameterFilterProfileData <sequence id> adAttributes <attributes> operation < type > adCpe <CPE Type>
Command Parameters
callParameterFilterProfile Parameters
Flexible Parameter | Length/Range | Default | Description | M/O |
callParameterFilterProfile | 1 - 23 | NA | Call Parameter Profile name | M |
callParameterFilterProfileData | 0 - 256 | NA | Sequence Number for Call Parameter Filter Profile | M |
description | 1 - 199 | NA | Description of the Call Parameter Filter Profile | O |
adAttributes | <1 - 32> | NA | Active Directory attributes list | M |
operation | NA | NA | AD operations for Call Parameter Filter Profile | M |
adCpe | NA | NA | AD CPE type | O |
The following is an example of how to configure the Call Parameter Filter Profile:
set profiles callParameterFilterProfile Test callParameterFilterProfileData 45 adAttributes adAttribute3 operation = adCpe callingNumber
The callParamFilterGroupProfile
is added to the CLI.
Command Syntax
% set profiles callParamFilterGroupProfile <CPFGP Name> description <desn> callParamFilterGroupProfileData <sequence id> callParamFilterProfile <CPFP Name>
Command Parameters
callParamFilterGroupProfile Parameters
Flexible Parameter | Length/Range | Default | Description | M/O |
callParamFilterGroupProfile | 1 - 23 | NA | Call Parameter Filter Profile Group name | M |
description | 1 - 199 | NA | Description of the Call Parameter Filter Group Profile | O |
callParamFilterGroupProfileData | 0 - 256 | NA | Data rows for Call Parameter Filter Group Profile | M |
callParamFilterProfile | NA | NA | To attach call parameter profile ID | M |
The following is an example of how to configure the Call Parameter Filter Group Profile:
set profiles callParamFilterGroupProfile CPFP_Group callParamFilterGroupProfileData 110 callParamFilterProfile Test
is added to the CLI.
Command Syntax
% set global servers adService <Service Name> priority <Num> % set global servers adService < Service Name> criteria triggerCriteria <criteria> % set global servers adService < Service Name> flags active <enable/disable>
Command Parameters
adService Command Parameters
Flexible Parameter | Length/Range | Default | Description | M/O |
adService | 1-23 | NA | AD Service name used for AD service trigger. | M |
The following is an example of how to Create Ad Service and associate trigger criteria:
set global servers adService ADSERV1 priority 10 set global servers adService ADSERV1 criteria triggerCriteria Test set global servers adService ADSERV1 flags active enable
is added to the CLI.
Command Syntax
% request system admin <System Name> adManualSync
Command Parameters
adManualSync Command Parameters
Flexible Parameter | Length/Range | Default | Description | M/O |
adManualSync | NA | NA | This is a request to Sync with AD Server to fetch subscriber data. | O |
The following is an example of how to request manual sync:
request system admin TICKS adManualSync
is added to the CLI.
Command Syntax
% show status system adSyncStatus
Command Parameters
adSyncStatus Command Parameters
Flexible Parameter | Length/Range | Default | Description | M/O |
adSyncStatus | NA | NA | Displays AD server sync status | O |
The following is an example of how to show sync status:
show status system adSyncStatus
is added to the CLI.
Command Syntax
% show status global policyServer adServiceStats
Command Parameters
adServiceStats Command Parameters
Flexible Parameter | Length/Range | Default | Description | M/O |
adServiceStats | NA | NA | Displays AD Service Stats | O |
The following is an example of how to show AD service stats/counter for success and failed call:
show status global policyServer adServiceStats
Example of table format:
show table global policyServer adServiceStats
is added to the CLI.
Command Syntax
% request system admin <System Name> searchAdData adAttributeIdentifier < AD adAttribute> searchString <search data>
Command Parameters
searchAdData Command Parameters
Flexible Parameter | Length/Range | Default | Description | M/O |
searchAdData | NA | NA | Searches the local AD database | O |
adAttributeIdentifier | <1 - 32> | NA | AD Attribute Identifier | M |
searchString | 1 - 64 | NA | A request to Search String | M |
The following is an example of how to search AD Data:
request system admin TITAS searchAdData adAttributeIdentifier adAttribute2 searchString 8067100197
and callParameterFilterGroupProfile
are added under numberTranslationCriteria
Command Syntax
% set profiles digitParameterHandling numberTranslationCriteria <Criteria Name> trunkGroup <TG Name> <GatewayName> <National> <Country> lookupType AD callParameterFilterGroupProfile <CPFPG Id> InDmRule <inDmPmRule Id> outDmRule <outDmPmRule Id>
Command Parameters
numberTranslationCriteria Command Parameters
Flexible Parameter | Length/Range | Default | Description | M/O |
inDmRule | NA | NA | This dm pm rule is performed before fetching the data from local database. | O |
outDmRule | NA | NA | This dm pm rule is performed after fetching the data from local database. | O |
callParameterFilterGroupProfile | 1 - 23 | NA | Call Parameter Filter Profile Group name | M |
The following is an example of how to configure adInDmRule,
and callParameterFilterGroupProfile.
set profiles digitParameterHandling numberTranslationCriteria POCNTC1 trunkGroup TG_SIPART_IAD TITAS Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL lookupType AD callParameterFilterGroupProfile POCCPFPG1 outDmRule POCDMPMRULE1 inDmRule POCINDMRULE1
The SBC provides an option to provision a new parameter Rsyslog Profile
. This profile uses local and remote certificates imported to the SBC and generates the three certificate files required for the rsyslog.conf
file to support communication for Rsyslog.
Command Syntax
The set command creates a new profile, assigns the local and remote certificates to the profile and generates the three Certificate files required for Rsyslog:
set profiles security RsyslogProfile <profile_name> clientCertName localCert serverCaCertName remoteCert
Command Parameters
Parameter | Length/Range | Default | Description | M/O |
| NA | NA | The name of the RsyslogTls profile. | M |
Command examples
set profiles security RsyslogTlsProfile rlog Possible completions: clientCertName - The name of client Certificate referred by this Rsyslog-TLS profile. serverCaCertName - The name of server CA Certificate referred by this Rsyslog-TLS profile
show profiles security RsyslogTlsProfile RsyslogTlsProfile rSyslogprofile { clientCertName localCert; serverCaCertName remoteCACert; } [ok]
show system security pki certificate localCert { state enabled; fileName localCert.pem; type local-internal; } certificate remoteCACert { state enabled; fileName rootCA.der; type remote; } certificate defaultSBCCert { state enabled; fileName sonuscert.p12; passPhrase $7$DibBrv9m1udynmteAN7fg48KXCD0O8/v; type local; } certificate defaultDtlsSBCCert { state enabled; fileName defaultDtlsCert.p12; passPhrase $7$dbJlv+/Ds4mYQqJvIiOv/gl5ZdVCSOfV; type local; } [ok]
is added to SIP ARS profile. These are added to the existing syntax below:set profiles services sipArsProfile <Profilename> blkListAlgRetryAfterMethods <sip-invite | sip-register |sip-subscribe |sip-notify | sip-options>
Two new parameters are added to SIP Trunk Group configuration: localSurvivabilityState
and allowLocalRegistration
. These are added to the existing syntax below:
Enable allowLocalRegistration
towards Access side not towards AS side and localSurvivableState
on both sides (Access and AS).
is enabled so that localSurvivableState
can be enabled.
set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> services localSurvivability localSurvivableState <enable | disable > set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> services localSurvivability allowLocalRegistration <enable | disable >
Command Parameters
Parameter | Length/Range | Default | Description | M/O |
localSurvivableState | disabled | Enable this flag to activate local call routing. The SBC switches to localSurvivableMode if it is enabled. The options include:
| O | |
allowLocalRegistration | disabled | Enable this flag to allow local registration when the ARS blacklist the Applicatiotn Server (AS). If If The options include:
| M | |
blkListAlgRetryAfterMethods | NA | Use this parameter to specify the SIP request types to retry after blacklist algorithm. The options include:
| M |
CLI Examples
set addressContext default zone ZONE_IN sipTrunkGroup Ingress_TG services localSurvivability localSurvivableState enabled set addressContext default zone ZONE_IN sipTrunkGroup Ingress_TG services localSurvivability allowLocalRegistration enabled
To view the status of the local survivability state and allow local registration, execute the command:
show addressContext default zone ZONE_IN sipTrunkGroup Ingress_TG services localSurvivability localSurvivabilityState enabled; allowLocalRegistration enabled; [ok]
To set the methods to be used for retry-after blacklist algorithm, execute the command:
set profiles services sipArsProfile Sip_ARS_Profile_Name blkListAlgRetryAfterMethods Possible completions: sip-invite sip-notify sip-options sip-register sip-subscribe
To view the method of blacklisting with retry-after in SIP ARS Profile, execute the following command:
show details profiles services sipArsProfile Sip_ARS_Profile_Name blkListAlgorithms timeouts,retryafter; blkListAlgTimeoutsType sip-invite; blkListAlgTimeoutsNumTimeouts 1; blkListAlgTimeoutsDuration 1; blkListAlgNoRetryAfterNum503 1; blkListAlgNoRetryAfterDuration 1; blkListAlgRetryAfterMethods sip-register; blkListAlgRetryAfterType sip-503; midDialogArsScreenLevel never; recoveryAlgorithm probe; recoveryAlgTimerDuration 1; recoveryAlgProbeMethod sip-options; recoveryAlgProbeInterval 1; recoveryAlgProbeNumResponses 1; recoveryAlgProbeDuration 1; [ok]
Deprecated CLI
Command / CLI Object Impacted | Deprecated CLI | Effective Release |
show table systemCongestionStatus | systemCongestionMemLevel | 4.2.6R0 |
set system congestion | "static" option | 4.2.6R0 |
set system congestion adaptive MCLevel | "mc0" level | 4.2.6R0 |
set profiles system overloadProfile | staticMode parameter | 4.2.6R0 |
set profiles system overloadProfile | "memory" option for setDuration, clearDuration, setThreshold, clearThreshold configurations | 4.2.6R0 |
set system admin | managementIpVersion | 5.0.0R0 |
request system admin command | commitSoftwareUpgrade | 5.0.0R0 |
show status system serverSoftwareUpgradeStatus | "committed " option | 5.0.0R0 |
show status addressContext <addressContext name> sipSubCountStatistics | sipSubCountTotal | 5.0.5R0 |
request system admin <system Name> revertSoftwareUpgrade | revertSoftwareUpgrade | 5.0.0R0 |
request system admin <system Name> commitSoftwareUpgrade | commitSoftwareUpgrade | 5.0.0R0 |
H.323 IP Signaling Profile commonIpAttributes flags |
| 5.1.0R0 |
Packet Service Profile | mediaLockDownForPassThrough | 5.1.0R0 |
interceptCallDataChannelStatistics |
| 5.1.0R0 |
show table global siprecStatus | siprecStatus | 6.2.0R0 |
show status system |
| 7.0.0R0 |
show table system |
| 7.0.0R0 |
set system |
| 7.0.0R0 |
eventLog typeAdmin |
| 7.1.0R0 |
set system licenseMode mode |
| 8.0.0R0 |
request system resetLicenseStats |
| 8.0.0R0 |
show table system |
| 8.0.0R0 |
show status system |
| 8.0.0R0 |
set system clusterAdmin |
| 8.0.0R0 |