System - SLB

Enables, disables, and configures the SBC for use with the SIP Aware Front End Load Balancer (SLB). See SIP-Aware Front-End Load Balancer for a feature overview.


Command Syntax

% set system slb
    commInterface <addressContext | ipInterfaceGroup | pktIpVar>
    slbIpAddress <IP_address>
    usage <disabled | enabled>


Command Parameters

Command Parameters




Defines the communication interface for SLB traffic.

  • addressContext - Address Context of the communication interface;defines the communication interface for SLB traffic.
  • ipInterfaceGroup - The IP Interface Group of the communication interface.
  • pktIpVar - Name of configuration variable to get packet IP address for SLB communication. 


IP Address of the SLB.

Enables SLB usage on the SBC. Note: once enabled, disabling the usage is not supported.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled