In this section:


This feature supports upgrades and revert from SBC 07.00.00S406 or 07.00.00S407 to SBC 07.02.00S400 on AWS.


Only upgrades from SBC 07.00.00S406 or 07.00.00S407 to SBC 07.02.00S400 are supported in this release on the AWS platform.

It is required to update SBC instance user-data on SBC 07.00.00S406 prior release before attempting upgrades.

It is required to update the script manually in this upgrade.

This procedure for upgrade supports the SBC upgrade of only an HA installation or HA with HFE installation.

Currently, upgrades are not supported in GCP.

Due to security features enforced in the SBC 07.02.00S400 release (admin ssh key requirement), and introduction of cgroup support, upgrading from the prior release is impacted. It is required to update SBC instance user-data on SBC 07.00.00S406 prior release before attempting upgrades.

Refer to Linuxadmin sudo Permissions for more information about ssh key requirements.

Refer to Implement C-group Support for Third-Party Software Installations for more details about Linux cgroup support.  If the user wishes to use this feature after the upgrade, the user-data parameters ThirdPartyCpuAlloc and ThirdPartyMemAlloc must be set to a value other than zero(0) prior to upgrade.

After user-data updates are complete, perform the normal Replacement Upgrade/Revert of the SBC instance in AWS in accordance with MOP for Replacement Upgrade for AWS.

HA SBC Upgrade

HA SBC Pre-Upgrade Steps

To update the user-data to include admin ssh keys and 3rd Party cgroup information for an HA SBC Pair, complete the following procedure.

Update Standby SBC user-data

  1. Log into the standby SBC management IP as user linuxadmin.

  2. sudo to root and verify that this unit has a "current host role" indicating standby using the swinfo command.

    linuxadmin@vsbc2:~$ sudo su
    [root@vsbcSystem-vsbc2 linuxadmin]# swinfo
    SERVER:          vsbc2
    OS:              V06.00.00-S406
    SonusDB:         V07.00.00-S406
    EMA:             V07.00.00-S406
    SBC:             V07.00.00-S406
    SBC Type:        isbc
    Management mode: xxx
    Build Number:    xxx
    Installed host role:   standby
    Current   host role:   standby
    SERVER:          vsbc1
    OS:              V06.00.00-S406
    SonusDB:         V07.00.00-S406
    EMA:             V07.00.00-S406
    SBC:             V07.00.00-S406
    SBC Type:        isbc
    Management mode: xxx
    Build Number:    xxx
    Installed host role:   active
    Current   host role:   active
  3. Exit standby unit.

  4. Log into the active unit as admin.

  5. Ensure the current role active SBC instance sync status shows syncCompleted and app IP and versions are correct.

    Verify sync status
    admin@vsbc1> show table system rgStatus
                         CE      ASSIGNED  CURRENT  NODE  SERVICE
    vsbc1-   vsbc1   active    standby  1     1        unprotectedRunningStandby  vsbc1-   V07.00.00S406
    vsbc2-  vsbc2   standby   active   2     0        syncCompleted              vsbc2-  V07.00.00S406
  6. Log onto AWS.
  7. Click the Services drop-down list.
    The Services list is displayed.

  8. Click EC2 from Management Tools section.

    To stop the Unit

  9. Login to the standby unit as linuxadmin and sudo to root using (sudo su -)
  10. Stop the instance using the command "shutdown -h now".
  11. Using the left navigation panel of the AWS EC2 dashboard, navigate to INSTANCES > Instances.

  12. Locate the standby Instance in the list. (for example, if using EIP for management IP, enter the following into the instances search bar type "Public IP : <standby management ip>" and hit enter to quickly find the instance)

  13. Once the Instance State shows stopped, proceed to the next step.

    To update user data

  14. Right click on the Instance on the AWS Dashboard and choose Instance Settings > View/Change Userdata.
  15. Update the user data to include entries for "AdminSshKey", "ThirdPartyCpuAlloc",  and "ThirdPartyMemAlloc" in accordance with the example below:


     Refer to Linuxadmin sudo Permissions for details on generating an ssh key for use with "AdminSshKey".

    HA user-data
     "CERole" : <"STANDBY" | "ACTIVE">,
     "ReverseNatPkt0" : "<True | False>",
     "ReverseNatPkt1" : "<True | False>",
     "ALT_Mgt0_00" : "LOGICAL_MGMT_IP",
     "ALT_Pkt0_00" : "VIP1",
     "ALT_Pkt1_00" : "VIP2",
     "CEName" : "<CEName>",
     "SystemName" : "<SystemName>",
     "PeerCEName" : "<PeerCEName>",
     "PeerCEHa0IPv4Address" : "<PeerCEHa0IPv4Address>",
     "SbcPersonalityType" : "isbc",
     "SbcMgmtMode"          : "centralized",
     "EnableSudoLinuxadmin" : "False",
     "IAM_ROLE"             : "<AWS IAM Role Name>",
     "AdminSshKey"          : "<ssh-rsa key>",
     "ThirdPartyCpuAlloc" : "0", 
     "ThirdPartyMemAlloc" : "0"
  16. Click save to save the user data.

    To Re-Start unit

  17. Again, select the desired instance.

  18. Right click or use the Actions pull-down to choose InstanceState > Start.

  19. Click Yes, Start when prompted for confirmation. 
  20. Wait for the instance to run with 2/2 Status Check showing "success". 

  21. Log into this "current host role" standby instance as linuxadmin and use the swinfo tool to wait for the system to recover as standby. This will take approximately 10 minutes.

    swinfo to check for standby system recovery
    linuxadmin@vsbc2:~$ sudo su
    [root@vsbcSystem-vsbc2 linuxadmin]# swinfo
    SERVER:          vsbc2
    OS:              V06.00.00-S406
    SonusDB:         V07.00.00-S406
    EMA:             V07.00.00-S406
    SBC:             V07.00.00-S406
    SBC Type:        isbc
    Management mode: xxx
    Build Number:    xxx
    Installed host role:   standby
    Current   host role:   standby
    SERVER:          vsbc1
    OS:              V06.00.00-S406
    SonusDB:         V07.00.00-S406
    EMA:             V07.00.00-S406
    SBC:             V07.00.00-S406
    SBC Type:        isbc
    Management mode: xxx
    Build Number:    xxx
    Installed host role:   active
    Current   host role:   active
  22. Log into the active SBC as admin and wait for the Current role Active instance syncStatus to show syncCompleted.

    Verify sync status
    admin@vsbc1> admin@vsbc1> show table system rgStatus
                         CE      ASSIGNED  CURRENT  NODE  SERVICE
    vsbc1-   vsbc1   active    standby  1     1        unprotectedRunningStandby  vsbc1-   V07.00.00S406
    vsbc2-  vsbc2   standby   active   2     0        syncCompleted              vsbc2-  V07.00.00S406

    To update formerly active user-data

  23. Repeat steps 9-22 for the active unit.

HA SBC Upgrade Steps

Once the SBC 07.02.00S400 pre-upgrade steps are completed successfully, the customer can upgrade the following: MOP for Replacement Upgrade for AWS.

If deployed with HFE, following the HFE Upgrade Steps in the following section.


HFE Upgrade 


Any changes in data formatting in the newer version of Linux can cause issues in the HFE upgrade, so run the procedure in a lab prior to attempting the upgrade in Production.

Please upgrade the script prior to attempting to upgrade the HFE OS version.

To upgrade the Script on HFE Node (required):

  1. Login to the AWS EC2 Console, and click on INSTANCES > Instances on the left panel.

  2. Find the HFE instance in the instance list.

  3. Determine the S3 bucket name associated with your HFE. If the HFE S3 bucket name used by HFE is already known, skip to next step.

    1. With the EC2 HFE instance selected, click on the TAGS tab to reveal the instance TAG details.
    2. Locate the Cloudformation.stack-name and record the value.
    3. Open the Cloudformation Management Console.
    4. Locate the stack in the list based on the Cloudformation.stack-name value found in prior step.
    5. Click the Parameters tab, then locate the HFEScriptS3Location parameter to find the S3 bucket name.
  4. Upload the latest to the S3 bucket associated with the HFE node.

  5. From the AWS EC2 Console, select the HFE instance.
  6. Select Instance State > Reboot from the actions drop-down to reboot the HFE node.


To upgrade OS on the HFE Node (optional): 

  1. Login to the HFE management IP as ec2-user using the ssh key used during initial cloudformation deployment of SBC with HFE.

  2.  The user will receive a notice if package updates are available or required. 

    [akhan@greenhornetinddev4 ~]$ ssh -i swe.pem ec2-user@
                  Last login: Wed Jul 18 08:04:34 2018 from
                   __|  __|_  )
                   _|  (     /   Amazon Linux 2 AMI
                 15 package(s) needed for security, out of 81 available
                 Run "sudo yum update" to apply all updates.
  3. Run "sudo su" command. 
  4. Run "yum clean all" command. 
  5. Run "yum update" command. 

Standalone SBC Volume-based Upgrade

Ribbon recommended that the customer perform a volume-based upgrade from SBC 07.00.00S406 or 07.00.00S407 to SBC 07.02.00S400.

Standalone SBC Upgrade Steps

The following steps can be used to offline upgrade on AWS for a Standalone Instance.


This upgrade is offline where we see the service outage during the process of the upgrade when we detach and attach new volume.

There is no need to re-apply the License if a system restore is done. If no system restore is done after re-deployment, then the license needs to be re-applied.

Before starting the migration, record various system settings, Userdata, and perform a system backup. The backup is needed at the end of the process. The other system setting information would be used to verify the changes after the upgrade and would be required in the event that a revert was needed in case of an upgrade failure.

  1. Log in to the active SBC as linuxadmin, sudo to root, and verify and collect the following baseline information from linux CLI to compare with after the instance upgrades:
    • swinfo -v
    • hwinfo

      linuxadmin@vsbc1:~$ sudo su
      [root@vsbcSystem-vsbc1 linuxadmin]# swinfo
      SERVER:          vsbc1
      OS:              V06.00.00-S406
      SonusDB:         V07.00.00-S406
      EMA:             V07.00.00-S406
      SBC:             V07.00.00-S406
      SBC Type:        isbc
      Management mode: centralized
      Installed host role:   active
      Current   host role:   active
      [root@vsbcSystem-vsbc1 linuxadmin]# hwinfo
      Device Description     : Virtual Platform
      Chassis Serial         :  EC267E4F-875F-F64C-A1AD-AF9994554386
      Product Name           : Sonus SBC SWe
      Platform               :  m5.xlarge
      System Memory          : 15995760 kB
      System Hard Disk       : 65 GiB
      CPU Model Name         : Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8175M CPU @ 2.50GHz
      Number of Virtual CPUs : 4
      CPU Cache Size         : 33792 KB
      CPU Address Size       : 46 bits physical 48 bits virtual
      Total Number of NICs   : 4
              mgt0 06:34:3c:34:90:f8
              ha0 06:2d:e7:77:78:f2
              pkt0 06:97:23:1c:7e:38
              pkt1 06:ec:21:ba:26:06
  2. Log into the active SBC CLI as admin and collect more baseline info:
    • show table system serverAdmin
    • show table system serverStatus
    • show table system metaVariable
    • show table system licenseInfo
    • show table global callCountStatus

      admin@vsbc1> show table system serverAdmin
             ACTUAL                       DEVICE
             CE      COREDUMP             SMART   MODULAR                PKT PORT
      vsbc1  vsbc1   default   primary    0       false    ConnexIP5000  speed1Gbps  virtualCloud
      admin@vsbc1> show table system serverStatus
                                                                  PART  PLATFORM       APPLICATION    REDUNDANCY
      NAME   HW TYPE        SERIAL NUM                            NUM   VERSION        VERSION        ROLE        UP TIME
      vsbc1  Sonus SBC SWe  EC267E4F-875F-F64C-A1AD-AF9994554386  -     V07.00.00S406  V07.00.00S406  active      1 Days 06
      admin@vsbc1> show table system metaVariable
      CE NAME          NAME                    VALUE
      vsbc1-  IF0.GWV4      
      vsbc1-  IF0.IPV4      
      vsbc1-  IF0.Port                Mgt0
      vsbc1-  IF0.RNat                True
      vsbc1-  IF1.GWV4      
      vsbc1-  IF1.IPV4      
      vsbc1-  IF1.Port                Ha0
      vsbc1-  IF1.RNat                True
      vsbc1-  IF2.GWV4      
      vsbc1-  IF2.IPV4      
      vsbc1-  IF2.Port                Pkt0
      vsbc1-  IF2.RNat                True
      vsbc1-  IF3.GWV4      
      vsbc1-  IF3.IPV4      
      vsbc1-  IF3.Port                Pkt1
      vsbc1-  IF3.RNat                False
      vsbc1-  IF0.FIPV4     
      vsbc1-  IF0.PrefixV4            28
      vsbc1-  IF1.PrefixV4            28
      vsbc1-  IF2.PrefixV4            28
      vsbc1-  IF3.PrefixV4            28
      vsbc1-  HFE_IF2.FIPV4 
      vsbc1-  HFE_IF2.IFName          IF_HFE
      vsbc1-  LOGICAL_MGMT_IP.IP
      vsbc1-  secondaryIPList.Mgt0    ['']
      vsbc1-  secondaryIPList.Pkt0    ['']
      vsbc1-  secondaryIPList.Pkt1    ['']
      vsbc1-  LOGICAL_MGMT_IP.IFName  IF0
      admin@vsbc1> show table system licenseInfo
                      LICENSE                    USAGE            IN
      SRTP            3772     2020-12-31-05:00  1000    legacy   0
      SBC-LI          3772     2020-12-31-05:00  1       legacy   0
      DSP-EVS         3772     2020-12-31-05:00  1000    legacy   0
      ENCRYPT         3772     2020-12-31-05:00  1000    legacy   0
      SBC-RTU         3772     2020-12-31-05:00  150000  legacy   0
      DSP-EVRC        3772     2020-12-31-05:00  1000    legacy   0
      DSP-G722        3772     2020-12-31-05:00  1       legacy   0
      DSP-SILK        3772     2020-12-31-05:00  1000    legacy   0
      POL-BASE        0000                       1       BuiltIn  0
      VDSP-RTU        3772     2020-12-31-05:00  1000    legacy   0
      DSP-AMRNB       3772     2020-12-31-05:00  1000    legacy   0
      DSP-AMRWB       3772     2020-12-31-05:00  1000    legacy   0
      SBC-SIP-I       3772     2020-12-31-05:00  1       legacy   0
      SBC-VIDEO       3772     2020-12-31-05:00  1000    legacy   0
      SBC-4X1GMP      3772     2020-12-31-05:00  1       legacy   0
      SBC-SIP323      3772     2020-12-31-05:00  1       legacy   0
      SBC-SIPREC      3772     2020-12-31-05:00  1000    legacy   0
      SBC-1X10GMP     3772     2020-12-31-05:00  1       legacy   0
      SBC-MRF-RTU     3772     2020-12-31-05:00  1000    legacy   0
      SBC-NICEREC     3772     2020-12-31-05:00  1000    legacy   0
      SBC-POL-RTU     3772     2020-12-31-05:00  1000    legacy   0
      SBC-PSX-RTU     3772     2020-12-31-05:00  1000    legacy   0
      SBC-CAPACITY    0000                       0       BuiltIn  0
      SBC-POL-E911    3772     2020-12-31-05:00  1       legacy   0
      SBC-POL-ENUM    3772     2020-12-31-05:00  1       legacy   0
      SWE-INSTANCE    3772     2020-12-31-05:00  1       legacy   0
      SBC-P-DCS-LAES  3772     2020-12-31-05:00  1       legacy   0
      admin@vsbc1> show table global callCountStatus
                                                           ACTIVE  STABLE         TOTAL                TOTAL
                                                           CALLS   CALLS          CALLS  TOTAL CALLS   CALLS
           CALL      CALL         ACTIVE  STABLE  CALL     NON     NON     TOTAL  NON    EMERG         EMERG
      all  2532      2527         280     275     4779     0       0       280    0      0             0
  3. Take system backup:

    admin@vsbc1> request system admin vsbcSystem saveConfig
    This command will save the current configuration. Do you want to continue [yes,no] yes
    result success
    reason Configuration Saved as : config_vsbcSystem_20181017_115055.tar.gz
  4. sftp the above backup file to secure the folder which is required to restore the upgraded Instance.
  5. Record user-data for SBC:
    1. Right click on the Instance on AWS Dashboard–>Instance Settings–>View/Change Userdata.

      user data

  6. Create the new Volume for use with the new instance type using the procedure Create Volumes.
  7. Wait for the new Volume to be ready.
  8. Stop running Standalone Instance.
  9. Detach the old Volume from stopped standalone Instance using the procedure (retain the Detached Volume in case of revert): Detach Volumes.
  10. Update the user-data.
    1. Right click on the Instance on AWS Dashboard and choose Instance Settings > View/Change Userdata
    2. Update the user data to include entries for "AdminSshKey", "ThirdPartyCpuAlloc",  and "ThirdPartyMemAlloc" as per the example below:

      user data
       "ReverseNatPkt0" : "<True | False>",
       "ReverseNatPkt1" : "<True | False>",
       "SbcPersonalityType" : "isbc",
       "CEName" : "<CEName>",
       "SystemName" : "<SystemName>",
       "ThirdPartyCpuAlloc" : "0", 
       "ThirdPartyMemAlloc" : "0",
       "AdminSshKey"          : ""ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCJnrFMr/RXJD3rVLMLdkJBYau+lWQ+F55Xj+KjunVBtw/zXURV38QIQ1zCw/GDO2CZTSyehUeiV0pi2moUs0ZiK6/TdWTzcOP3RCUhNI26sBFv/Tk5MdaojSqUc2NMpS/c1ESCmaUMBv4F7PfeHt0f3PqpUsxvKeNQQuEZyXjFEwAUdbkCMEptgaroYwuEz4SpFCfNBh0obUSoX5FNiNO/OyXcR8poVH0UhFim0Rdneo7VEH5FeqdkdGyZcTFs7A7aWpBRY3N8KUwklmNSWdDZ9//epEwgaF3m5U7XMd4M9zHURF1uQ/Nc+aiyVId9Mje2EU+nh6npaw/tEOPUiC1v",
    3. Click save to save the user data.
  11. Attach the new volume created above using the procedure Attach Volumes.
  12. Once the above step is completed, start the Instance from Dashboard.


    The instance will be rebooted to apply instance specific changes.

    To start a stopped instance:

    1. Using the left navigation panel of the AWS EC2 dashboard, navigate to INSTANCES > Instances and select the desired instance.


      To quickly find the desired instance, filter the instances by using AMI ID. To find the AMI ID, use the techniques illustrated in Get the AMI ID.

    2. Right click on the selected "stopped" instance, and select Instance State > Start
    3. Click Yes, Start when prompted for confirmation. 
    4. Wait for the instance to run with 2/2 Status Check showing "success". 
  13. Log into the instance as linuxadmin and use the sbcDiagnostic tool to wait for the system to recover. This will take approximately 10 minutes.

    linuxadmin@isbcsa:~$ sudo /opt/sonus/sbx/scripts/ 0
    ****** SBC Information ******
    SBC Product Name: AWS
    SBC Application Version: V07.02.00-S400
    ********* Start Cloud SBC Diagnostic ***********
    cloud-init service is active : ok
    cps is initialized : ok
    LCA is coming up. Please wait...
    LCA bringing-up SBC Application. Please wait...
    ********* SBC Status ***********
    safplus_watchdog (pid 6096) is running...
    Policy server DB (sonusdb) is running...
    safplus_amf (pid 6044) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_ChmProcess (pid 6617) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_FmMasterProcess (pid 7214) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_CpxAppProc (pid 7247) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_SmProcess (pid 7357) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_EnmProcessMain (pid 7402) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_SsaProcess (pid 7435) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_PesProcess (pid 7443) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_ScpaProcess (pid 7457) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_PipeProcess (pid 7473) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_SsreqProcess (pid 7524) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_SlwresdProcess (pid 7539) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_PrsProcess (pid 7567) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_DnsProcess (pid 7642) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_CcsProcess (pid 7665) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_SamProcess (pid 7677) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_DsProcess (pid 7701) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_CamProcess (pid 7734) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_ImProcess (pid 7758) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_IpmProcess (pid 7772) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_PathchkProcess (pid 7790) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_DiamProcess (pid 7805) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_ScmProcess_0 (pid 7823) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_GclProcess (pid 7913) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_RtmProcess (pid 7937) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_IkeProcess (pid 7949) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_VnfrProcess (pid 7968) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_SipsmProcess (pid 7984) is running...
    CE_2N_Comp_EmaProcess (pid 8000) is running...
            ** Service running [active] **
    LCA reported SBC application is up. Re-Conforming application status...
    SBC Application is up as active: ok
  14. Verify the system using the following steps after the upgrade:

    [root@vsbcSystem-isbcsa linuxadmin]# swinfo -v
    SERVER:          isbcsa
    OS:              V06.02.00-S400
    SonusDB:         V07.02.00-S400
    EMA:             V07.02.00-S400
    SBC:             V07.02.00-S400
    SBC Type:        isbc
    Management mode: centralized
    Installed host role:   active
    Current   host role:   active
    Build Workspace: jenkinsbuild.we.aws70
    Stream: //sbx/aws_7.0
    Change: 373625
    Build Number: 268
    Build Time: Sun Mar  3 07:50:31 EST 2019
    Build Host: bluehornetdev5
    Required BMC  Version: v03.17.00-R000
    Required BIOS Version: v2.6.0
    Required OS   Version: 06.02.00-S400
    Required Bluefin BMC  Version: v03.17.00-R000
    Required Bluefin BIOS Version: v2.12.0
    Required Yellowfin BMC  Version: v03.17.00-R000
    Required Yellowfin BIOS Version: v1.16.0
    [root@vsbcSystem-vsbc1 linuxadmin]# hwinfo
    Device Description     : Virtual Platform
    Chassis Serial         :  EC267E4F-875F-F64C-A1AD-AF9994554386
    Product Name           : Sonus SBC SWe
    Platform               :  m5.2xlarge
    System Memory          : 32199076 kB
    System Hard Disk       : 65 GiB
    CPU Model Name         : Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8175M CPU @ 2.50GHz
    Number of Virtual CPUs : 8
    CPU Cache Size         : 33792 KB
    CPU Address Size       : 46 bits physical 48 bits virtual
    Total Number of NICs   : 4
            mgt0 06:34:3c:34:90:f8
            ha0 06:2d:e7:77:78:f2
            pkt0 06:97:23:1c:7e:38
            pkt1 06:ec:21:ba:26:06
    admin@ISBCSA> show table system metaVariable
    CE NAME               NAME                  VALUE
    ISBCSA-  IF0.GWV4    
    ISBCSA-  IF0.IPV4    
    ISBCSA-  IF0.Port              Mgt0
    ISBCSA-  IF0.RNat              True
    ISBCSA-  IF1.GWV4    
    ISBCSA-  IF1.IPV4    
    ISBCSA-  IF1.Port              Ha0
    ISBCSA-  IF1.RNat              True
    ISBCSA-  IF2.GWV4    
    ISBCSA-  IF2.IPV4    
    ISBCSA-  IF2.Port              Pkt0
    ISBCSA-  IF2.RNat              True
    ISBCSA-  IF3.GWV4    
    ISBCSA-  IF3.IPV4    
    ISBCSA-  IF3.Port              Pkt1
    ISBCSA-  IF3.RNat              True
    ISBCSA-  IF0.FIPV4   
    ISBCSA-  IF2.FIPV4   
    ISBCSA-  IF3.FIPV4   
    ISBCSA-  IF0.PrefixV4          24
    ISBCSA-  IF1.PrefixV4          24
    ISBCSA-  IF2.PrefixV4          24
    ISBCSA-  IF3.PrefixV4          24
    ISBCSA-  ALT_Pkt0_00.IP
    ISBCSA-  ALT_Pkt1_00.IP
    ISBCSA-  ALT_Pkt0_00.IFName    IF2
    ISBCSA-  ALT_Pkt1_00.IFName    IF3
    ISBCSA-  secondaryIPList.Pkt0  ['']
    ISBCSA-  secondaryIPList.Pkt1  ['']
    [ok][2018-10-17 02:44:30]
    admin@ISBCSA> show table system licenseInfo
                    LICENSE  EXPIRATION  USAGE           IN
    SRTP                                 0               0
    SBC-LI                               0               0
    ENCRYPT                              0               0
    SBC-RTU                              0               0
    DSP-EVRC                             0               0
    DSP-G722                             0               0
    POL-BASE        0000                 1      BuiltIn  0
    VDSP-RTU                             0               0
    DSP-AMRNB                            0               0
    DSP-AMRWB                            0               0
    SBC-SIP-I                            0               0
    SBC-VIDEO                            0               0
    SBC-4X1GMP                           0               0
    SBC-SIP323                           0               0
    SBC-SIPREC                           0               0
    SBC-1X10GMP                          0               0
    SBC-MRF-RTU                          0               0
    SBC-NICEREC                          0               0
    SBC-POL-RTU                          0               0
    SBC-PSX-RTU                          0               0
    SBC-CAPACITY    0000                 0      BuiltIn  0
    SBC-POL-E911                         0               0
    SBC-POL-ENUM                         0               0
    SWE-INSTANCE                         0               0
    SBC-P-DCS-LAES                       0               0
    [ok][2018-10-17 02:44:37]
    dmin@ISBCSA> show table system serverAdmin
           ACTUAL                     DEVICE
           CE      COREDUMP           SMART   MODULAR                PKT PORT
    vsbc1  ISBCSA  default   primary  0       false    ConnexIP5000  speed1Gbps  virtualCloud
    [ok][2018-10-17 02:45:01]
    admin@ISBCSA> show table system serverStatus
                                DAUGHTE                         PART  PLATFORM       APPLICATION    REDUNDANCY                   APPLICATION UP   LAST RESTART                BOARD
    NAME   HW TYPE        SERIAL NUM                            NUM   VERSION        VERSION        ROLE        UP TIME          TIME             REASON         SYNC STATUS  PRESENT
    vsbc1  Sonus SBC SWe  EC275805-1144-03F2-6F30-6E6107CFFF66  -     V07.00.00S404  V07.00.00S404  active      0 Days 00:05:34  0 Days 00:02:46  systemRestart  unprotected  -
    [ok][2018-10-17 02:45:06]
    admin@ISBCSA> show table system rgStatus
                          CE      ASSIGNED  CURRENT  NODE  SERVICE
    ISBCSA-  ISBCSA  active    active   1     0        unprotected  ISBCSA-  V07.00.00S404
    [ok][2018-10-17 02:45:35]
  15. Once the upgrade is successful, restore the backup taken in an earlier step.
  16. Sftp the backup file to SBC and execute the below command restore the system.

    admin@ISBCSA> request system admin vsbcSystem loadConfig allowOldVersion yes fileName config_vsbcSystem_20181017_115055.tar.gz
    This command will load the selected configuration and restart the applications on active/standby servers. Do you want to continue [no,yes] yes
    result success
    reason Starting DB restoration from: config_vsbcSystem_20181017_115055.tar.gz please check /var/log/messages for progress
    [ok][2018-10-17 02:49:22]
  17. After the backup is restored, live traffic is enabled.

    admin@ISBCSA> show table system licenseInfo
                    LICENSE                    USAGE            IN
    SRTP            3775     2020-12-31-05:00  80100   Legacy   0
    SBC-LI                                     0                0
    ENCRYPT         3775     2020-12-31-05:00  80000   Legacy   0
    SBC-RTU         3775     2020-12-31-05:00  150000  Legacy   275
    DSP-EVRC        3775     2020-12-31-05:00  100     Legacy   0
    DSP-G722        3775     2020-12-31-05:00  1       Legacy   0
    POL-BASE        0000                       1       BuiltIn  0
    VDSP-RTU        3775     2020-12-31-05:00  125000  Legacy   0
    DSP-AMRNB       3775     2020-12-31-05:00  100     Legacy   0
    DSP-AMRWB       3775     2020-12-31-05:00  100     Legacy   0
    SBC-SIP-I       3775     2020-12-31-05:00  1       Legacy   0
    SBC-VIDEO                                  0                0
    SBC-4X1GMP                                 0                0
    SBC-SIP323      3775     2020-12-31-05:00  1       Legacy   0
    SBC-SIPREC                                 0                0
    SBC-1X10GMP                                0                0
    SBC-MRF-RTU                                0                0
    SBC-NICEREC                                0                0
    SBC-POL-RTU     3775     2020-12-31-05:00  100     Legacy   275
    SBC-PSX-RTU                                0                0
    SBC-CAPACITY    0000                       0       BuiltIn  0
    SBC-POL-E911    3775     2020-12-31-05:00  1       Legacy   0
    SBC-POL-ENUM    3775     2020-12-31-05:00  1       Legacy   0
    SWE-INSTANCE                               0                0
    SBC-P-DCS-LAES                             0                0
    [ok][2018-10-17 12:27:48]

    Time taken for Upgrade from Stopping Instance to Attaching new volume, changing userdata, and starting the SBC= ~15minutes.
    Time taken for loadConfig: ~10mins (depending on the configurations load on the SBC).

Revert Procedure for Standalone in case of Upgrade Failure

  1. Stop the SBC Instance which got upgraded/failed to come up from Dashboard.
  2. Detach Volume from stopped standalone Instance using below procedure Detach Volumes.
  3. Attach old volume which was detached as part of upgrade Attach Volumes.
  4. Start the Instance from Dashboard.
  5. Verify the step 6 from Upgrade procedure once the SBC is up.