In this section:
In the AWS environment, Userdata is populated automatically by the template when SWe instances are launched. Metadata is populated automatically by the Life Cycle Agent (LCA) from the information obtained from the AWS internal Metadata server. The Metadata and the Userdata are populated in the standard JSON format (.json
The SBC SWe instances are launched on AWS with CFN templates provided by Sonus. The LCA performs the following:
Once the SWe instance boots up, Cloud-init retrieves Metadata and Userdata information associated with this instance from the internal Metadata server and provides it to the LCA.
Configuring the SBC instances on AWS is similar to configuring SBC on OpenStack. For complete CLI configuration, refer to CLI Reference Guide.
The Metadata information is auto populated from the internal Metadata server in AWS.
This is a sample format for interface definition. # JSON for the Mgt0 interface "IF0" : { "Port":"Mgt0", "FIPV4":"<IP_Address>" }, # Secondary IP for PKT0 will appear in this particular format "AltIP2" : { "IFName":"IF2", "IP": "<IP_Address>", "FIPV4":"<IP_Address>" }
{ "VIP2": { "IP": "", "IFName": "IF3" }, "IF0": { "PrefixV4": "24", "RNat": "True", "Port": "Mgt0", "FIPV4": "" }, "IF1": { "PrefixV4": "24", "RNat": "True", "Port": "Ha0" }, "IF2": { "PrefixV4": "24", "RNat": "False", "Port": "Pkt0" }, "IF3": { "PrefixV4": "24", "RNat": "False", "Port": "Pkt1" }, "LOGICAL_MGMT_IP": { "IP": "", "IFName": "IF0", "FIPV4": "" }, "VIP1": { "IP": "", "IFName": "IF2" } }
{ "ALT_Pkt1_00": { "IP": "", "IFName": "IF3" }, "ALT_Pkt0_00": { "IP": "", "IFName": "IF2" }, "IF0": { "PrefixV4": "24", "RNat": "True", "Port": "Mgt0", "FIPV4": "" }, "IF1": { "PrefixV4": "24", "RNat": "True", "Port": "Ha0" }, "IF2": { "PrefixV4": "24", "RNat": "False", "Port": "Pkt0" }, "IF3": { "PrefixV4": "24", "RNat": "False", "Port": "Pkt1" } }
This section describes metadata individual parameters which are auto-populated in the AWS instance.
"IF3": { "Port": "Pkt0", "GWV4": "", "IPV4": "", "FIPV4": "", "RNat": "true" }
The following elements comprise an interface definition:
Alternate IP definition contains the information of additional IP addresses associated with the port. For each additional IP address added to the port, there has to be corresponding ALT IP definition. The maximum number of ALT IP (alternate IP address) that can be associated with a port is restricted to 14.
"AltIP3" : { "IFName":"IF2", "IP": "", "FIPV4":"aaa.bbb.ccc.eee" }
If the CERole parameter is Active/Standby, it represents HA userdata format.
{ "CERole" : "CERole", "ReverseNatPkt0" : "False", "ReverseNatPkt1" : "False", "CEName" : "CEName", "SystemName" : "SystemName", "PeerCEName" : "PeerCEName", "PeerCEHa0IPv4Prefix" : "PeerCEHa0IPv4Prefix" }
{ "CERole" : "ACTIVE", "ReverseNatPkt0" : "False", "ReverseNatPkt1" : "False", "CEName" : "vsbc1", "SystemName" : "vsbcSystem", "NodeName" : "SD-test-HA-510A654", "PeerCEName" : "vsbc2", "PeerCEHa0IPv4Address" : "" }
If the CERole parameter is missing, it represents standalone userdata format.
{ "ReverseNatPkt0" : "False", "ReverseNatPkt1" : "False", "CEName" : "CEName", "SystemName" : "SystemName" }
{ "ReverseNatPkt0" : "False", "ReverseNatPkt1" : "False", "SystemName" : "vsbcSystem", "CEName" : "vsbc1" }
Interface related information (contents of Interface and ALT IP definition) provided in userdata and/or metadata is flattened down into key-value pairs, which would be used for CLI configuration.
MetaVariable dictionary is populated in the file /opt/sonus/instanceMetaVar.json and the corresponding XML file is injected into the CDB, is located at /opt/sonus/sbx/lca/sonusMetaVariables.xml
The IP address is obtained from DHCP query for respective interface. The IP address, Gateway address, Subnet prefix is directly populated in the /opt/sonus/sbx/lca/sonusMetaVariables.xml file.
The metaVariables can be viewed from the CLI command as shown below :
> show table system metaVariable NAME VALUE -------------------------------------------------- IF0.Port Mgt0 IF1.GWV4 IF1.IPV4 IF1.Port Ha0 IF2.Port Pkt0 IF3.Port Pkt0 IF4.Port Pkt1 IF5.GWV4 IF5.IPV4 IF5.Port Pkt1 IF1.PrefixV4 24 IF4.PrefixV4 26 IF5.PrefixV4 26 PKT1_V01_ALT_IP_01.IP PKT1_V02_ALT_IP_01.IP PKT0_V01_ALT_IP_01.IFName IF2 PKT0_V02_ALT_IP_01.IFName IF3 PKT1_V01_ALT_IP_01.IFName IF4 PKT1_V02_ALT_IP_01.IFName IF5 LOGICAL_MGMT_IP.IFName IF0
Sample configurations using metaVariables are shown below.\
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIG1 ipInterface LIG1_V4 ipVarV4 IF2.IPV4 prefixVarV4 IF2.PrefixV4 vlanTagVar IF5.VlanId portName pkt0 state enabled mode inService
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIG2 ipInterface LIG2_V4 ipVarV4 IF3.IPV4 prefixVarV4 IF3.PrefixV4 ipPublicVarV4 IF3.FIPV4 portName pkt1 state enabled mode inService
set addressContext default zone ZONE_AS sipSigPort 3 ipInterfaceGroup LIG2 ipVarV4 IF3.IPV4 ipPublicVarV4 IF3.FIPV4 state enabled