Object ID1.
DescriptionThis  alarm indicates that a Control Channel Link to a Remote D-SBC is closed.
RepetitionThis alarm occurs each time the D-SBC control channel is closed. The data includes the remote IP address and port.
  • sonusAlarmNodeID
  • sonusAlarmLevel
  • sonusAlarmSequenceId
  • sonusAlarmTime
  • sonusAlarmDescription
  • sonusDsbcRemoteDsbcAddr
  • sonusDsbcCloseReasonCode: Reason for the closure of the Control Channel Link
  • administratorInitiatedClose(1)
  • closeRequestReceivedFromRemote(2)
  • remoteNotResponding(3)
  • internalError(4)
  • configError(5)
  • recvCallSigReqFromUnknownGw(6)
  • socketErrNetworkDown(7)
  • socketErrNetworkUnreachable(8)
  • socketErrNetworkReset(9)
  • socketErrSoftwareConnectionAbort(10)
  • socketErrConnectionResetByPeer(11)
  • socketErrNoBufferSpaceAvail(12)
  • socketErrAlreadyConnected(13)
  • socketErrNotConnected(14)
  • socketErrCantSendAfterShutdown(15)
  • socketErrTooManyReferences(16)
  • socketErrConnectionTimedOut(17)
  • socketErrUnknown(18)
  • recvDuplicateLinkOpenReq(19)
  • socketErrExceptionEvent(20)
  • linkXmtCongestion(21)
  • openNackReceivedFromRemote(22)
  • idleTimeOut(23)
  • sonusDsbcRemoteDsbcAddr
  • sonusDsbcCloseReasonCode
ActionCheck connectivity for any link issues.

This condituion may impact calls if the Control Channel link is not established.


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