This object displays the currently tracking entries based on the enhanced DBL enforcement.

On the SBC main screen, navigate to All > Address Context > Enhanced DBL > Tracking Entry Status.

The Tracking Entry Status window is displayed.

Select the Address Context from the dropdown list.

Address Contex t - dropdown

The Tracking Entry Status List window is displayed.

Tracking Entry Status List window

The parameters and their descriptions are given in the table below:

Tracking Entry Status List - Parameter Descriptions

Source IP AddressThe source IP address (IPv4/IPv6) for the DBL entry.

The port (0-65535) used by the source IP address.

Note: A value "0" means the port used by the source IP is not considered for tracking purposes.


The transport protocol used.

  • None (default)
  • SCTP
  • TCP
  • UDP
Profile NameThe name of the associated Enhanced DBL Profile.
Rule NameThe name of the rule associated with the Enhanced DBL Profile.
Trunk Group NameThe name of the Trunk Group associated with the Enhanced DBL entry.
Event CountDisplays the number of offending events received for this entry thus far.
Tracking Start TimeDisplays the start time of the tracking entry.
Reset CountDisplays the number of reset events received for this entry thus far.


  • No labels