This is an LA release that will only be provided to a select number of PLM-sanctioned customers (PDFs only). Contact PLM for details.

In this section:



JIP handling is only supported when using an external PSX in the network.

The SBC supports sending Jurisdiction Information Parameter (JIP) information in SIP-SIP, SIP-SIP-I and SIP-I to SIP scenarios. A JIP value indicates the geographic location of the originating caller or switch. 

SIP JIP profiles are assigned to ingress and egress SIP trunk groups to determine what parameter to extract the SIP JIP value from in an incoming SIP INVITE message and in what parameter to place the JIP value in the outgoing message when sipJurisdictionSupport is enabled on the trunk group. The SBC can take the JIP value from or place it in the following parameters:

  • rn parameter in the PAID header
  • jip parameter in the PAID header
  • rn parameter in the From header
  • jip parameter in the P-DCS-Billing-Info header

Command Syntax

% set profiles services sipJipProfile <profile name> 
	jipParameterAs <userInfo | uriParam>
	sendJipIn <rnPAI|jipPAI | rnFROM | jipPDCS>
	useJipFromFROM <disabled | enabled>
	useJipFromPAIjip <disabled | enabled>
	useJipFromPAIrn <disabled | enabled>
	useJipFromPDCS <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters

Command Parameters

Parameter Name

<profile name>

The name for the SIP JIP profile. A default profile, defaultJipProfile, is provided and assigned to SIP trunk groups by default. You have the option to create additional profiles and assign your own.


The parameter format to use when sending JIP information.

  • uriParam – URI parameter, for example: P-Asserted-Identity: <sip:+12817267815@; transport=udp; user=phone;rn=+1123456>
  • userInfo (default) – userinfo parameter, for example: P-Asserted-Identity: <sip:+12817267815;rn=+1123456@; transport=udp; user=phone>

Select the header/parameter option to send the JIP in the outgoing INVITE message:

  • rnPAI (default) – The SBC sends the JIP value in the rn parameter in the PAI header.
  • jipPAI – The SBC sends the JIP value in the jip parameter in the PAI header.
  • rnFROM – The SBC sends the JIP value in the rn parameter in the FROM header.
  • jipPDCS – The SBC sends the JIP value in the jip parameter in the PDCS-Billing-Info header.

Enable this flag to allow extracting JIP information from the "rn" parameter in the FROM header of the INVITE message.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Enable this flag to allow extracting JIP information from the "jip" parameter in the PAI header of the INVITE message.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Enable this flag to allow extracting JIP information from the "rn" parameter in the PAI header of the INVITE message.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Enable this flag to allow extracting JIP information from the "jip" parameter in the PDCS header of the INVITE message.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

If you choose to enable more than one potential source from which to extract the JIP information, the SBC prioritizes them in the following order:

  • rn parameter in the PAID header
  • jip parameter in the PAID header
  • rn parameter in the From header
  • jip parameter in the P-DCS-Billing-Info header

Command Examples

% set profiles services sipJipProfile sjp2 useJipFromPAIjip enabled sendJipIn rnFROM jipParameterAs uriParam   
% set profiles services sipJipProfile sjp2 useJipFromPAIrn enabled sendJipIn jipPDCS jipParameterAs userInfo 

% show profiles services sipJipProfile sjp2 
useJipFromPAIrn enabled;
sendJipIn       jipPDCS;
jipParameterAs  userInfo;

> show table profiles services sipJipProfile 
                    USE JIP      USE JIP   USE JIP   USE JIP             JIP        
                    FROM         FROM      FROM      FROM      SEND      PARAMETER  
NAME                PAIRN        P AIJIP   FROM      PDCS      JIP IN    AS         
sjp1                disabled     enabled   disabled  disabled  rnFROM    uriParam   
sjp2                enabled      disabled  disabled  disabled  jipPDCS   userInfo   
defaultJipProfile   disabled     disabled  disabled  disabled  rnPAI     userInfo   

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