This section helps you to understand the parameters associated with overlap addressing support.

To View and Edit Overlap Addressing

On the SBC main screen, go to Configuration > System Provisioning > Category: Trunk Provisioning > Trunk Group > SIP Trunk Group > SIP Trunk Advanced > SIP Trunk - Services - Advanced > Overlap Addressing. The Overlap Addressing window is displayed.

You can check the Overlap Addressing for each Address Context, Zone, and SIP Trunk Group created, or all Address Contexts, Zones, and SIP Trunk Groups created. Use the drop-down box to select the desired Address Context, Zone and Sip Trunk Group.

The Edit Overlap Addressing window is displayed.

SIP Trunk Advanced - H323 Trunk - Services - Advanced - Overlap Addressing

Overlap Addressing Parameters



Overlap State

 Specifies whether to support or not support overlap addressing. 

  • Disabled (default) 
  • Enabled

Min Digits For Query

Specifies the minimum number of digits that need to be received before attempting to route the call. The value ranges from 0 to 30 and the default value is 0.


Specifies the maximum time (in seconds) between sending an INVITE and receiving a backward message. The value ranges from 0 to 14 and the default value is 0.


Specifies the maximum time (in seconds) between receiving a 484 Address Incomplete message (if there are no outstanding INVITE transactions) and receiving fresh address information. The value ranges from 4 to 64, and the default value is 4.


 Use this parameter to specify the Incoming overlap type.

  • Info Method – Select to support Info-based overlap dialing where initial INVITE with incomplete called party digits is answered locally by the SBC to establish an early dialog and subsequent digits are received through INFO message to complete the dial sequence.
  • Multi Invite – Select to process multiple INVITEs for the same call with additional digits to complete the dial sequence.
  • Disabled (default) – Select to disable this feature.


 Use this parameter to specify the Outgoing overlap type.

  • Info Method – Select to support Info-based overlap dialing where initial INVITE with incomplete called party digits is answered locally by the SBC to establish an early dialog, and subsequent digits are received through INFO message to complete the dial sequence.
  • Multi Invite – Select to process multiple INVITEs for the same call with additional digits to complete the dial sequence.
  • Disabled (default) – Select to disable this feature.


 Specifies the maximum time (in seconds) between collection of digits. The value ranges from 5 to 15, and the default value is 10.

Make the required changes and click Save.

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