Command Syntax

> show table profiles services sipParamFilterProfile <profile name>


Command Parameters

SIP Param Filter Profile Parameters

name SIP Parameter Filter Profile name.
state The administrative state of this SIP Parameter Filter Profile.
headerName The name of the SIP header whichs blocks or transparently passes a specific tag/method, a list if tags/methods or all tags/methods, depending upon the settings of the action parameter.

If configured as the action to take against a specified list of SIP option tags/methods, this field defines which option tags/methods to block for this profile.

passthru If configured as the action to take against a specified list of SIP option tags/methods, this field defines which option tags/methods to transparently pass for this profile.

If enabled, the SBC rejects a request if a 'require' SIP header tag is dropped due to this profile's settings.

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