Use the U Flow Stats window to view micro flow policer statistics.

From the SBC main screen, go to All > System > IP Policing > U Flow Stats.

The U Flow Stats window opens.

U Flow Stats Window

The following parameters appear:

Micro Flow Stats Parameters



U Flow IndexIndex number of this uFlow statistic
Source IP AddressSource IP address
Destination IP AddressDestination IP address
Source IP Port Source IP port
IP ProtocolIP protocol
Lif Grp IDLIF group ID
Policer ModeThe Policer mode
Policer Bucket SizeNumber of packets allowed in the Policer bucket
Policer Credit RatePacket fill rate (packets per second)
Agg PolicerThe name of the aggregate policer
Agg Policer PriorityAggregate policer priority level
Packet AcceptThe number of packets accepted by the policer
Packet DiscardNumber of packets discarded by the policer
Byte AcceptThe number of bytes accepted by the policer