Modified: for 8.1.5
When the SBC SWe Lite is deployed in Azure, the SBC SWe Lite does not support Local Media Optimization. Local Media Optimization is available only in on-premises deployments.
This best practice uses the term Microsoft Teams Direct Routing, which is also known as Phone System Direct Routing.
This best practice outlines how to use the Ribbon SBC Edge to configure Local Media Optimization for Microsoft Teams Direct Routing. Local Media Optimization allows the Microsoft Teams Direct Routing media flow to always use the shortest path to improve the SBC Edge's media quality and bandwidth usage. The Microsoft Teams Direct Routing media flow can be directly established between the Teams client and the SBC, even if the SBC does not have Microsoft Teams Direct Routing connectivity. The SBC 1000, SBC 2000, and SBC SWe Lite support the Proxy, Central, and Downstream SBCs. For more details about this feature, refer to Local Media Optimization for Direct Routing.
This best practice uses greenfield and migration deployments and explains the requirements for each case. This best practice includes cautions to specify the deployment scenarios.
Though the SBC 1000, SBC 2000, and SBC SWe Lite support all Local Media Optimization roles for Microsoft Teams Direct Routing, this best practice uses the following configurations as examples:
the SBC SWe Lite as a Proxy SBC in the central site
You can use the Prepare Proxy SBC procedure to configure the SBC as a Central SBC.
The Proxy SBC information in this best practice applies to a Central SBC configuration unless otherwise stated.
For the Proxy SBC, Ribbon recommends that you use the SBC SWe Lite because it has higher CPS (up to 10 CPS) and higher session density (up to 1200 simultaneous Direct Routing calls).
Make sure the licensed quantity of sessions on the SBC SWe Lite accommodates the maximum number of Local Media Optimization calls that the subtended (attached behind the Proxy SBC) Downstream SBCs carry.
Microsoft does not support Music on Hold. You should disable Music on Hold for all users that use Local Media Optimization. To disable Music on Hold, refer to Set-CsTeamsCallingPolicy.
Microsoft does not support Early 183. You should disable Early 183 for all SBC signaling groups that use Local Media Optimization. For information about Early 183, refer to the Early 183 section in Creating and Modifying SIP Signaling Groups.
This section outlines the prerequisites for Local Media Optimization for Microsoft Teams Direct Routing.
When deploying Local Media Optimization, the Proxy SBC has to handle its usual local traffic plus all traffic from the Downstream SBC. You must make sure the Proxy SBC has the capacity and the license to handle the load. See the following load impacts:
The Proxy SBC requires the following firmware:
Ribbon recommends the following versions for the Downstream SBC for an easier configuration:
This document outlines only the recommended firmware.
You must configure the following for Microsoft Teams Direct Routing:
The Proxy SBC requires a certificate signed by a public certificate authority.
The Downstream SBC requires a certificate to support the encrypted media. This certificate can be signed by a private or public certificate authority.
Since the Proxy SBC and Downstream SBC use the same domain in this best practice, the SBC Edge reuses the wildcard certificate from the Proxy SBC on each Downstream SBC.
The public certificate must be issued by one of the supported certification authorities (CAs). Wildcard certificates are supported.
Refer to Microsoft documentation for the supported CAs.
For the SBC Edge to pair with Microsoft Teams, the SBC FQDN domain name must match a name registered in both the Domains and DomainUrlMap fields of the Tenant. Verify the correct domain name is configured for the Tenant as follows:
Users may be from any SIP domain registered for the tenant. For example, you can configure user with the SBC FQDN name, as long as both names are registered for the tenant.
The Proxy SBC FQDN needs to be resolved in a publicly accessible DNS.
The Proxy SBC and Downstream SBC can resolve each other's FQDN with their private IP through using one of the following architectures:
This best practice uses host entries.
This best practice uses the FQDN and ports illustrated in the following figure.
This section outlines how to prepare the Proxy SBC.
You can use the procedures in this section if you want to configure a Central SBC. Note that the screen captures in this section are not examples of Central SBC configurations.
For more information about configuring a Central SBC, refer to Local Media Optimization for Direct Routing.
Perform this procedure only if you are creating a new SBC for the Proxy role (a greenfield scenario).
Use the following procedure to install the SBC and perform the initial setup: Installing SBC SWe Lite
Once your SBC is up and running, you must configure the SBC to connect to the Microsoft Teams Direct Routing Server and allow the Downstream SBC connection.
Click Login. The main screen provides all WebUI functions, including tabbed options, menu tree, device name, and the last login date and time of the system.
Select Tasks > SBC Easy Setup > Easy Config Wizard.
In the Application field, select your application. This best practice configures the SIP Trunk ↔ Microsoft Teams.
In the SIP Trunk section, enter the information for the central SIP Trunk provider.
For a Central SBC configuration, configure the Border Element Server with the FQDN or IP of the central SIP Trunk.
In the Teams Connection Type field, select Local Media Optimization.
Configure the other fields in the Microsoft Teams section and click Next.
The SBC Edge will not support the Outbound NAT Traversal field until the SBC SWe Lite 9.0.0 release.
Review your configuration information in Step 3 and click Finish.
This section outlines how to import a certificate on the Proxy SBC.
Perform this procedure only if you are using a node that is already configured with another signaling group (a migration scenario).
If this is not a newly deployed SBC and you have already configured one of the following, follow the corresponding instructions:
If you configured a SIP Trunk or PSTN Access on this SBC, you must perform the following procedure to select the previously created signaling group in the From Microsoft Teams Direct Routing table (see the following example call flow).
Select Settings > Call Routing > Call Routing Table.
Select the To Outside (Passthrough) route entry.
In the Destination Signaling Groups field, select the Border Element signaling group and click Remove.
In the Destination Signaling Groups field, click Add and add your previously created SIP Trunk or PSTN Access.
In the Audio Stream Mode field, select Direct Preferred over DSP.
Click Apply.
If you configured a connection to Teams Direct Routing or Skype for Business, you must remove the previously created signaling group (see the following example call flow).
This section applies to only the Proxy SBC for the SBC SWe Lite Release 8.1.5.
Use the following procedure to disable the Validate Server FQDN in the TLS Profile.
Click Login. The main screen provides all WebUI functions, including tabbed options, menu tree, device name, and the last login date and time of the system.
Select Settings > Security.
After you configure the Proxy SBC, use the following procedure to verify that the SBC works properly.
Click Login. The main screen provides all WebUI functions, including tabbed options, menu tree, device name, and the last login date and time of the system.
Select Settings > Signaling Groups.
Make sure the Service Status for all signaling groups is Up.
You must perform the procedures in this section for each Downstream SBC you must add. Make sure the FQDN for each Downstream SBC is different.
The information to prepare a Downstream SBC applies to both the SBC 1000/2000 and SBC SWe Lite unless otherwise stated.
Perform this procedure only if you are creating a new SBC for the Downstream role (a greenfield scenario).
Use the following procedure to install the SBC and perform the initial setup: Installing SBC 1000/2000
For the SBC SWe Lite, use the following procedure to install the SBC and perform the initial setup: Installing SBC SWe Lite
Once your SBC is up and running, you must configure the SBC to connect to the Proxy SBC.
Click Login. The main screen provides all WebUI functions, including tabbed options, menu tree, device name, and the last login date and time of the system.
Select Tasks > SBC Easy Setup > Easy Config Wizard.
In the Application field, select your application. This best practice configures SIP Trunk ↔ Microsoft Teams.
In the Teams Connection field, select Teams Downstream SBC.
In the SIP Trunk section, enter the information for the Branch 1 SIP Trunk provider.
You must target the Proxy with an FQDN for the TLS to properly establish.
Review your configuration information in Step 3 and click Finish.
Since the Proxy SBC and Downstream SBC use the same domain in this best practice, the SBC Edge reuses the wildcard certificate from the Proxy SBC on each Downstream SBC.
If your deployment requires a different certificate for the Downstream SBC, see Configure and Generate Certificates on the SBC.
Click Login. The main screen provides all WebUI functions, including tabbed options, menu tree, device name, and the last login date and time of the system.
Select Settings > Protocols > DNS > Hosts.
Click the + icon to create a host entry.
Enter the FQDN and IP address for the Proxy SBC.
Click Login. The main screen provides all WebUI functions, including tabbed options, menu tree, device name, and the last login date and time of the system.
Select Settings > Protocols > DNS > Hosts.
Click the + icon to create a host entry.
Enter the FQDN and IP address for the Downstream SBC.
Perform this procedure only if you are using a node that is already configured with another signaling group (a migration scenario).
If this is not a newly deployed SBC and you have already configured one of the following, follow the corresponding instructions:
If you configured a SIP Trunk or PSTN Access on this SBC, you must perform the following procedure to select the previously created signaling group in the From SBC as Teams Downstream table (see the following example call flow).
Select Settings > Call Routing > Call Routing Table.
Select the To Outside (Passthrough) route entry.
In the Destination Signaling Groups field, select the Border Element signaling group and click Remove.
In the Destination Signaling Groups field, click Add and add your previously created SIP Trunk or PSTN Access.
If you configured a connection to Teams Direct Routing or Skype for Business, you must remove the previously created signaling group (see the following example call flow).
After you configure the Downstream SBC, use the following procedure to verify that the SBC works properly.
Click Login. The main screen provides all WebUI functions, including tabbed options, menu tree, device name, and the last login date and time of the system.
Select Settings > Signaling Groups.
Make sure the Service Status for all signaling groups is Up.
Use the following procedure to place a test call.
Click Login. The main screen provides all WebUI functions, including tabbed options, menu tree, device name, and the last login date and time of the system.
In the WebUI, click the Diagnostics tab.
In the left navigation pane, click Test a Call.
Configure the parameters according to your SBC.
Use the following table to configure the parameters for a Proxy SBC.
See the following example configuration of testing a call for a Proxy SBC.
Use the following table to configure the parameters for a Central SBC.
Use the following table to configure the parameters for a Downstream SBC.
Click OK.