The Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) feature is not supported from SBC release 08.02.01 onward.

In this section:

The SBC uses Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) in remote end points and routers to continuously monitor the link availability of the SBC. If the BFD session is down, the router declares the link as down and the upper layer application protocol performs the appropriate actions (such as, not sending control packets). For more information, refer to Bidirectional Forwarding Detection.

Use the Bfd screen to configure the BFD. You can also configure the BFD in the ipInterface through the CLI (refer to IP Interface Group - CLI).

To View a BFD

On the SBC main screen, navigate to Configuration > System Provisioning > Category: Base Provisioning > IP Interface Group > IP Interface > Bfd or All > Address Context > IP Interface Group > IP Interface > Bfd.

Select the desired Address Context, IP Interface Group, and IP Interface from their respective drop-down menus.

Bfd Screen

To Create a BFD

 Click New Bfd to create a new BFD. The Create New Bfd panel appears.

Create New Bfd

Enter and select the desired configuration details in the Create New Bfd panel. Click Save.

Bfd Screen Parameters

NameThe BFD session name.

Use this flag to enable or disable the administrative state of the BFD session.

  • Disabled (default) - You can configure the BFD parameters.
  • Enabled - You cannot configure the BFD parameters.
Remote IPConfigure this parameter with the IP address of the remote node. The IP address is usually on packet interfaces for signaling and media.
Remote PortConfigure this parameter with the remote port of the BFD session. The default value is 3784.
Desired Min Tx IntervalConfigure this parameter with the desired minimum (in seconds) of the transmitted interval. The default value is 1.
Required Min Rx IntervalConfigure this parameter with the required minimum (in seconds) of the received interval. The default value is 1.
CE Name
The current element name (optional). You can configure this parameter when the BFD session for active and standby are on different networks.

If you do not configure this parameter, the SBC creates the BFD session on both the active and standby nodes, but the BFD packets transmit from only the active node. This packet behavior means that the BFD session is up on the active node.


You can only modify the Bfd parameters (except the CE Name) when the BFD State is disabled.

To modify the CE Name, you must delete and then recreate the BFD session.

The Success popup window appears. Click Ok.

Create BFD Successful


To Edit a BFD

You can edit a BFD when the BFD State is Disabled.

Select the radio button next to the BFD you want to edit. The Edit Selected Bfd panel appears.

Edit Selected Bfd

Enter and select the desired configuration details in the Edit Selected Bfd panel. Click Save.

The Success popup window appears. Click Ok.

Edit BFD Successful

To Copy a BFD

Click Copy Bfd to copy a BFD. The Copy Selected Bfd panel appears.

Copy Selected Bfd

Enter and select the desired configuration details in the Copy Selected Bfd panel. Click Save.

The Success popup window appears. Click Ok.

Copy BFD Successful

To Delete a BFD

Click the Delete icon beside the BFD you want to delete.

The Delete bfd confirmation popup window appears (see the following screen capture for an example). Click Yes to confirm that you want to delete the BFD.

Delete BFD Confirmation Example

The Delete successful popup window appears. Click Ok.

Delete BFD Successful