Use the Call Routing window to configure call routing options for a specified SIP trunk group. These options help determine how the SBC routes a call or request to the next-hop entity.

To View and Edit Call Routing Options

On the SBC main screen, go to Configuration > System Provisioning > Category: Trunk Provisioning > Trunk Group > SIP Trunk Group > SIP Trunk Advanced > Call Routing or
All > Address Context > Zone > SIP Trunk Group > Call Routing

The Call Routing window opens.

Use the Address Context, Zone, and SIP Trunk Group lists to select the trunk group you want to configure. The Edit Call Routing window opens.

Edit Call Routing Window

Use the following table to configure the options and then click Save.

Call Routing Parameters



Use Route Set

 This parameter controls the routeset usage when routing a call.

  • Disabled – (default) Request is routed using the routing database.
  • Rcb Next Hop And StoredRequest from a registered subscriber is routed to the same next hop (registrar IP stored during registration), and the stored Service Route is copied to egress.
  • Received – Request is routed using the routeset received in the request.
  • Roaming Or Stored – If the UE is in roaming mode, the request is routed based on the DTG loopback, where DTG is the route obtained during registration. If the UE is not in roaming mode, the request is routed the same as Stored.
  • Stored – Request is routed using the Path or Service-Route stored during registration.
  • StoredAll – All requests (including refresh registers) are routed using the Path or Service-Route stored during registration.

Note: The attributes Rcb Next Hop And Stored and Roaming Or Stored are not supported on ERE and are intended for use with an external PSX only.

Ans Supervision Timeout

Configure this parameter on the ingress trunk group specifying the timeout period (in seconds) for the egress trunk group to receive the first backwards message from the called party exchange (SIP 180 - “Ringing" and SIP 183 - “Progress") until the call is answered. If the timeout period expires, the answer supervision action specified is triggered. A value of "0" disables this timer (default = 300).

Ans Supervision Timeout Action

 Specifies the action to take if the answer supervision timer expires.
  • Release (default)
  • Trap And Restart 

Crank Back Profile

 Specifies the name of the crankback profile to use for the selected trunk group.

International Noa Plus

 Enable this flag to set CPN and CIN NOA to “International” when number begins with '+'.

  • Disabled (default)
  • Enabled

Add Stored Path As Top Route

 When enabled, this flag adds the stored Path header as the topmost Route header (on top of stored Service-Route headers) in the outgoing out-of-dialog requests when Use Route Set is set to stored.

  • Disabled (default)
  • Enabled
DNS Crankback

This parameter defines whether to apply DNS crankback profile or not for received SIP error response. If it is enabled, DNS crankback feature is applied.

  • Disabled (default)
  • Enabled
Send Route URI To PSX
  • When enabled, the Route-URI is sent to PSX, works in conjunction with Perform Route Header Based Routing enabled in PSX.
  • When disabled (default), the Route-URI is not sent to PSX.

  • No labels