The following table lists selected SBC Core key features, and their availability in this release by product. Features in this table are not supported in all platforms/environments.
= Supported
= Not supported
1Full support for VMware available starting with SBC 8.1.
2Supported for four packet port configuration only. Not supported for any other packet port configuration.
3The SBC Core SWe/Cloud on AWS and GCP does not support IPv6. However, AWS infrastructure supports IPv6 and GCP does not support IPv6.
The SBC in GCP includes the following limitations when compared to the feature set for the SBC running in AWS and Azure:
- Multiple IPs for traffic segregation is not possible because of the limitations with the number of EIPs you can assign per NIC interface.
Subnet gateways in the GCP are virtual. You cannot use them for Link Detection on the SBC, as they do not respond, resulting in continuous switchovers.
To use a bastion server for SBC in GCP to access the management interface using private IP addresses, you must create the server in a subnet separate to the management interface.
- Logical Management IP addresses are not supported by SBC in GCP.
Feature and Maintenance Limitations of SBC in Azure
The SBC in Azure includes the following limitations when compared to the feature set for the SBC running in AWS and GCP:
The SBC ides the following known feature limitations:
- Ribbon supports standalone and HA with HFE deployment model in Azure. However, Ribbon does not support Active-Standby HA deployment.
- Although Azure supports multiple IP per network interface, currently the SBC does not have support for multiple IPs per network interface.
- As pinging to gateway fails, the LDG configuration to specific out-of-subnet IP configuration also fails.
- Logical Management IP addresses are not supported by the SBC.
- Calls going through the public network (public-to-public, private-to-public or public-to-private calls) may not guarantee packet ordering.
The following limitations apply to Accelerated NICs from the Azure platform:
- The instance may get Mellanox ConnectX-3 or ConnectX-4 NICs as secondary interfaces; you cannot select the type of Mellanox NIC.
- After every de-allocation and start of the instance, it may get different type of Mellanox NIC ( ConnectX-3 / ConnectX-4 ), and even if it is the same type, it is possible that the PCI ids are different. This happens because after the de-allocation and start of the instance, the VM can go to a different host and get different resources.
- When the instance is de-allocated and started again, instance some times may not get the Mellanox NICs, and start only with netVSC interfaces. In such situations, Azure does not display any error or notification. To get the Mellanox NICs, shut down the instance, de-allocate, and start again.
- Sometimes the secondary interfaces (Mellanox VF) are plugged late into the instance; hot-plugging the PCI NICs after initialization is not supported.
- Azure may plug and unplug the Secondary PCI interfaces (Mellanox VF) to/from the running instance without any notification.
- Azure does not guarantee deterministic performance; the VMs does not get dedicated CPU cores.
- Sometimes Azure may not plug the Accelerated NICs, but plugs just the netVSC interfaces. In such situations, the SBC continues to function with limited throughput supported by the netVSCs.
- The SBC does not support hot plugging/unplugging of the Secondary interfaces to/from the running instance.
- The SBC does not handle the scheduled events of the VM. For more information on handling scheduled events, refer to Microsoft documentation.
- As the VM can get any of the supported CPUs, the Active and Standby SBC can have different set of CPUs and Secondary interfaces for Accelerated Networking.
Maintenance of Virtual Machines in Azure
While carrying out maintenance, the performance of the SBC may get affected, or its service may get interrupted because maintenance freezes the VM for a few seconds..
To maintain and handle updates for VMs in Azure, follow the instructions based on your preferred method of interaction with Azure: