A profile allows you to create a specific set of characteristics different from the standard
Profiles are referenced by other configuration objects throughout the system, and are a means of sharing the same configuration values among multiple object instances.
When using the "show" command to view particular profile attributes, be sure to include the profile name in the command to avoid syntax errors.
Example show
command to view ingressIpAttributes:
% show profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile DEFAULT_SIP ingressIpAttributes flags { sip181Supported disable; sip182Supported disable; mapCalledPartyCategoryInPSigInfoHeader disable; noSdpIn180Supported disable; registrationExpiresinExpiresHeader disable; send183OnInitiatingDisconnectTreatment disable; sendSdpIn200OkIf18xReliable disable; sendSdpInSubsequent18x disable; } carrierInformation { generateTerminatingCa disable; generateTerminatingCic disable; } [ok][2013-06-22 15:45:04]
The following profile types are described in this section: