This field describes the parameters of the Nature Of Address.

To View and Edit Nature Of Address

On SBC main screen, go to All > Profiles > Digit Parameter Handling > Dm Pm Criteria > Digit Criteria > Nature Of Address.

Select the desired Dm Pm Criteria from the drop-down list to view its respective Nature Of Address parameters.

The Nature Of Address window is displayed.

Dm Pm Criteria - Digit Criteria - Nature Of Address


The following fields are displayed:

Nature of address




Specifies the nature of the address. The values are:

  • none
  • passThrough
  • subscriber
  • national international
  • networkSpecific
  • unknown
  • subscriberOperator
  • nationalOperator
  • internationalOperator
  • spare00
  • spare01
  • spare02
  • spare03
  • spare04
  • spare05
  • spare06
  • spare07
  • spare08
  • spare09
  • spare0A
  • spare0B
  • spare0C
  • spare0D
  • spare0E
  • spare0F
  • spare30
  • spare31
  • spare32
  • spare33
  • spare34
  • spare35
  • spare36
  • spare37
  • spare38
  • spare39
  • spare3A
  • spare3B
  • spare3C
  • spare3D
  • spare3E
  • spare3F
  • spare60
  • spare61
  • spare62
  • spare63
  • spare64
  • spare65
  • spare66
  • spare67
  • spare68
  • spare69
  • spare6A
  • spare6B
  • spare6C
  • spare6D
  • spare6E
  • spare6F


  • testCode
  • noNumberOperatorRe quested
  • noNumberCutThrough
  • 950
  • aniofCallingPartySubscriberNumber
  • aniNotAvailableOrNotProvided
  • aniofCallingPartyNationalNumber
  • aniofCalledPartySubscriberNumber
  • aniofCalledPartyNoNumberPresent
  • spare10
  • spare11
  • spare12
  • spare13
  • spare14
  • spare15
  • spare16
  • spare17
  • spare18
  • spare19
  • spare1A
  • spare1B
  • spare1C
  • spare1D
  • spare1E
  • spare1F
  • spare40
  • spare41
  • spare42
  • spare43
  • spare44 
  • spare45
  • spare46
  • spare47
  • spare48
  • spare49
  • spare4A
  • spare4B
  • spare4C
  • spare4D
  • spare4E
  • spare4F
  • spare70
  • spare71
  • spare72
  • spare73
  • spare74
  • spare75
  • spare76
  • spare77
  • spare78
  • spare79
  • spare7A
  • spare7B
  • spare7C
  • spare7D
  • spare7E
  • spare7F
  • any


  • aniofCalledPartyNationalNumber
  • ss7Reserved
  • nationaNotRestricted
  • nationalRestricted
  • internationalNotRestricted
  • internationalRestricted
  • ignore
  • apnNumberingPlan
  • sidNumber
  • partialCallingLine Id
  • spare20
  • spare21
  • spare22
  • spare23
  • spare24
  • spare25
  • spare26
  • spare27
  • spare28
  • spare29
  • spare2A
  • spare2B
  • spare2C
  • spare2D
  • spare2E
  • spare2F
  • spare50
  • spare51
  • spare52
  • spare53
  • spare54
  • spare55
  • spare56
  • spare57
  • spare58
  • spare59
  • spare5A
  • spare5B
  • spare5C
  • spare5D
  • spare5E
  • spare5F



Specifies the type of operations supported.

The options are:

  • ignore
  • equals
  • notEquals

Make the required changes and click Save at the right hand bottom of the panel to save the changes made.

  • No labels