
The ISDN PRI Configuration page only appears when Allow PRI Network/User Configuration is enabled on the T1/E1 Configuration page. Refer to Configuring T1 Settings for more information.

The ISDN PRI Configuration page allows you to configure ISDN PRI on EdgeMarc.

To Configure ISDN PRI 

  1. Navigate to Network > ISDN > Configuration.
  2. Select the Enable ISDN PRI check-box and click Submit to activate fields on the ISDN PRI Configuration page.

  3. Configure settings using the information in the following table as a guide. When you finish configuring settings, click Submit to make your changes take effect. For more information on submitting your configuration changes, refer to Submit Configuration Changes.

    ISDN PRI Configuration Parameters

    Enable ISDN PRISelect the Enable ISDN PRI check-box to enable service.
    Select PRI Line

    Choose a T1/E1 line for ISDN PRI from the Select PRI Line drop-down list. Valid range is 1-4 based on the number of T1/E1 lines available on a given EdgeMarc platform. Configure each T1/E1 separately.

    Trunk Switch Type

    Enter the switch type that EdgeMarc will be simulating. NI2 or E1 is selected by default. It is important that the switch type matches the peer-switch type to which this interface is connected.

    D ChannelSelect a number from the D Channel drop-down list to use for Q.931 signaling. The default is 24 (T1) or 16 (E1).
    Enable Overlap ReceiveEnable Overlap Digit Receive from the user (client) side. All digits are collected and sent enbloc in the outgoing INVITE message on the SIP side. All Network to User calls are sent enbloc, with the Sending Complete IE added in the SETUP message. 
    Device NameDefine a device name that is used as SIP FROM user, in case Calling User information is not available on the call coming into PRI trunk from remote PRI T1/E1 link.
    B Channel order descending (Optional)By default, B-channel order is ascending (1-24 for T1 and 1-31 for E1) when performing a call setup. If the B Channel order descending check-box is selected, B-channel ordering is set to descending (24-1 for T1 and 31-1 for E1).
    Internal ClockingSet the clocking mode for PRI. Select the Internal Clocking check-box to set the clocking mode to Internal. External clocking is used by default.
    International PrefixEnter a value to prepend a prefix to incoming international PRI calls. If the field is empty or a prefix is already part of the called number, no action is taken.
    Jitter Buffer (MS)Enter the jitter buffer value based on the IP network condition. Valid values are equal to or greater than 40 msecs. Default value is 100 msecs.
    Jitter Type

    Choose the Jitter buffer type from the drop-down list:



    By default, the Jitter Type is set to Fixed.

    TX Gain to PRI Trunk from IP

    Choose a transmit gain value from the TX Gain to PRI Trunk from IP drop-down list.

    The selected TX Gain is effective on the media packets (RTP) received from IP side before being forwarded to T1 channels by DSP. 

    The default setting is 0 DB.

    RX Gain from PRI Trunk to IP

    Choose a receive gain value from the RX Gain from PRI Trunk to IP drop-down list.

    The selected RX Gain is effective on the TDM frames received from T1 side before being forwarded to T1 channels by DSP. The default setting is 0 DB.

    Register with SIP Server (Optional)Select the Register with SIP server check-box to register with SIP server using the “Register FROM Username” as SIP user name. If registration needs to be authenticated, provide the 'SIP Authentication name' and 'SIP password' as well.
    Register/Override FROM Username (To IP network)

    Enter a name to override the system default DISPLAY name when sending SIP request to IP side.

    A call coming from the ISDN side is terminated on IP network. By default, the gateway uses the PRI callerID in the FROM field of SIP INVITE message when terminating call on the IP side. If the callerID is not present, the gateway uses the internal name specified.

    When this field is defined, PRI/GW registers with this name. Define 'SIP Authentication Name' and 'SIP Password' if the name needs to be authenticated.

    SIP Authentication Name (Optional) Enter the SIP authentication name used to authenticate the PRI/GW if the gateway registers with name defined in the Register FROM Username field.
    SIP Password (Optional)Enter the SIP authentication password used to authenticate the PRI/GW if the gateway registers with the name defined in Register FROM Username field.
    Override FROM Display Name (To IP Network)

    Enter a name to override the DISPLAY name when sending SIP requests to the IP side.

    An Inbound call coming into PRI/GW from the remote PRI/T1 link is terminated on IP network. By default, the gateway uses this name as part of the DISPLAY name in SIP FROM header.

    Disable sending Calling Name in Display IE

    Setting is applicable to EURO PRI switch type only. When checked, display name is not sent in DISPLAY_IE as part of the Q.931 SETUP message. By default, display name of calling party is sent using DISPLAY_IE in SETUP message.

    Codec Preference Select the preferred codec. When making a call, this codec will be the first codec offered. When receiving a call, if this codec is part of the negotiated codec list, then this codec will be used to encode and send voice packets.
    Use Preferred Codec OnlySelect the Use Preferred codec only checkbox to use your selected codec preference as the only codec offered or responded to in the call setup. All other calls are rejected.
    Send CONNECT after Early MediaThis is relevant when making outbound calls from PBX to PRI. When enabled, after sending ALERT with Early Media indication, PRI sends CONNECT to the PBX. Some PBXs will not cut-through media if CONNECT is not sent after Early Media, and so if PBX user is trying to access an IVR, DTMF from PBX user will not be sent to IVR.
    Handle PROGRESS

    This is relevant when making inbound calls from PRI to PBX. A PROGRESS message is sent from PBX in response to a PROG indicator in SETUP message. However, some PBX sends this message regardless. Since SETUP did not ask for PROGRESS, this message is ignored by default.

    Select the Handle PROGRESS config to handle this PBX behavior, so that PROGRESS is handled and an appropriate SIP message is generated.

    Enable RTCPSelect the Enable RTCP check-box to enable RTCP support for voice media.
    Enable VADSelect the Enable VAD check-box to enable Voice Activity Detection (VAD) support for voice media.
    Enable FAX/MODEM Support

    When enabled, PRI will monitor FAX/MODEM tones in a voice call. If tone is detected, PRI will automatically change the voice call to FAX/MODEM data call. To enable T.38 FAX, define T.38 configuration. 

    Note: This feature is only relevant for 4800 platforms.

    Enable V6 Media Support

    Enabling this option allows V6 media support on PRI. The default value is disabled. 

    Note: This configuration is only available on EdgeMarc 4808, EdgeMarc 4806 and EdgeMarc 6000 systems.

    Define configuration for each PRI channel

    Configure each PRI channel:

     Enable — Select the Enable check-box for each PRI channel you want to enable as part of the call. By default, all 23 (T1) or 30 (E1) channels are enabled.

     Status — In the Status column, observe current read-only status for all PRI channels:

       • Status of B-channels can be Unknown, Idle, Busy, or Not-connected.

       • Status of the D-channel can be Initializing (the system is initializing to the connected device) or Up (the system has initialized the connection).