Resources | system | ethernetPort | packetPortStatus


Operational Data

ceName Specifies the Packet port status details.
portName The name of this port.
ifIndex The unique ifIndex of this Packet NIF
macAddress The MAC address of the network interface.
negotiatedSpeed The interface speed. Packet port speed is not negotiable. When statistics are generated for EMS, negotiatedSpeed will be displayed as integer value. Possible values for negotiated speed: 1 - speed10Mbps 2 - speed100Mbps 3 - speed1000Mbps 4 - unknown 5 - speed10000Mbps
maxBandwidth Maximum bandwidth this port can support, bytes/sec.
allocatedBandwidth Bandwidth reserved by active media streams on this port, bytes/sec.
rxActualBandwidth Actual Rx bandwidth in use on this port, bytes/sec.
txActualBandwidth Actual Tx bandwidth in use on this port, bytes/sec.
bandwidthUsage Percentage of maximum bandwidth allocated on this port.
bandwidthDeviation Percentage of deviation of actual bandwidth from allocated bandwidth.
linkState The state of the interface. When statistics are generated for EMS, linkState will be displayed as integer value. Possible values for linkState: 0 - null 1 - admnDisabled 2 - admnEnabledPortDown 3 - admnEnabledPortUp 4 - admnDisabledNoLicense 5 - admnEnabledPortDownInvalidSfpWrongSpeed 6 - admnEnabledPortDownInvalidSfpNonSonus
avgRxActualBW Average Incoming Bandwidth used during KPI bin interval in bytes/sec.
avgTxActualBW Average Outgoing Bandwidth used during KPI bin interval in bytes/sec.
peakRxActualBW Peak Incoming Bandwidth used during KPI bin interval in bytes/sec.
peakTxActualBW Peak Outgoing Bandwidth used during KPI bin interval in bytes/sec.
avgRxActualBWUtil Average Incoming BW Utilization based on total available port BW instead of negotiated BW.
peakRxActualBWUtil Max Incoming BW Utilization during the KPI bin interval expressed as a percentage of the available BW.
avgTxActualBWUtil Average Outgoing BW Utilization during the KPI bin interval based on total available BW instead of negotiated BW.
peakTxActualBWUtil Max Outgoing BW Utilization during the KPI bin interval expressed as a percentage of the available BW.
bwAlarmThreshExceeded Total number of times the BW alarm threshold was passed in the upward direction during the bin interval.
bwAlarmCleared Total number of times the BW clear alarm threshold was passed in the downward direction during the bin interval.
avgUsageBW Average Bandwidth Usage during KPI bin interval.
peakUsageBW Peak Bandwidth Usage during KPI bin interval.

curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X GET https://{SBX-SERVER}/restconf/data/sonusSystem:system/sonusOrcaSystem:ethernetPort/packetPortStatus={ceName},{portName}

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