In this section


The SBC supports sending the tenant number in the INPUT DATA to the PES, derived from the REFER SIP message's FROM header. A trunk group option, "Send Refer Transferor Number To PSX" controls this activity. When enabled, the INPUT DATA contains the tenant number from the REFER message.


When the control is enabled, the SBC exhibits the same behavior as the Diversion. If the control sendReferTransferorNumberToPSX is enabled and the REFER Transferor number is sent to the PSX, the next INVITE’s To header is mapped from the Redirection Origination Number and becomes different from the RURI, unless the following control is set:

% set profiles signaling ipSignalingProfile <IPSP_NAME> egressIpAttributes sipHeadersAndParameters sipToHeaderMapping calledNumber

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <addressContext name> zone <ZONE NAME> sipTrunkGroup <TG NAME> services sendReferTransferorNumberToPSX <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters




Use this parameter to send the transferor party number to the PSX.

  • disabled
  • enabled

Configuration Examples

set addressContext default zone SIP_ZONE_AS sipTrunkGroup SIP_TG_AS_V4 services sendReferTransferorNumberToPSX enabled