The S8 Home Routing (S8HR) uses the LTE S8 interface for transporting VoLTE traffic between the visited and home network as data traffic. The S8HR does not require IMS in the visited LTE network. In S8HR roaming architecture model of VoLTE, the Packet Data Network Gateway (PGW), Policy Charging and Rules Function (PCRF), and Proxy Call Session Control Function (P-CSCF) are in the Home Public Land Mobile Network (HPLMN) when the UE is roaming in a Visited Public Land Mobile Network (VPLMN).

For more information on this profile, refer to Visited Public Land Mobile Network Profile - CLI.

Command Syntax

> show table profiles services vplmnProfile <name>

Command Parameters

Command Parameters for hplmnProfile




<name> – Indicates the name of the VPLMN profile

  • vplmnId An MCC or combination of MCC and MNC. It is a three or five or six digit number. Maximum 512 vplmn Ids can be created under one VPLMN profile.
  • emergencyPrefix – Provides the list of alphanumeric emergency prefixes. The maximum length is 15 characters.

Command Examples

> show table profiles services vplmnProfile
              VPLMN           URN
              ID      PREFIX  PREFIX
US_PLMN_PROF  310010  911

  • No labels