Resources | system | h248Statistics


The details statistics for H248.

Exists on Condition /system/sbcPersonality/role ='mrfp' and /system/deploymentType != 'microservices'

Operational Data

vmgInfoSummary Displays Info Summary of Virtual Media Gateway.
vmgGeneralStats Displays generic statistics of the Virtual Media Gateway.
vmgGeneralCurrentStatistics Displays current generic statistics of the Virtual Media Gateway.
vmgGeneralIntervalStatistics Displays Interval statistics of the Virtual Media Gateway.
vmgIpTermNotifyStats Displays detailed statistics of the NOTIFYs sent Packagewise for the Virtual Media Gateway.
vmgIpTermNotifyCurrentStatistics Displays detailed statistics of the NOTIFYs sent Packagewise for the Virtual Media Gateway.
vmgIpTermNotifyIntervalStatistics Displays detailed statistics of the NOTIFYs sent Packagewise for the Virtual Media Gateway.
vmgSvcChangeRootStats Displays detailed statistics of the SERVICECHANGE requests sent on Root Termination based on the cause values.

curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X GET https://{SBX-SERVER}/restconf/data/sonusSystem:system/sonusVirtualMediaGateway:h248Statistics

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