In this section:


The request alarms command is available from both system-level and configure modes, and is used to accomplish the following activities:

  • Clear current outstanding alarms or clear all alarms from the history buffer.

  • Set alarm's acknowledge state and/or add a comment to an outstanding alarm.

Command Syntax

The command syntax to clear or set alarms is listed below.

> request alarms 
			alarmId <integer>
			deleteMatchingAlarms <no | yes>
		comment alarm
			id <integer>
			text <operator comment>
		state alarm
			acknowledgeState <acknowledge | unAcknowledge>
			id <integer>

Command Parameters

&#39;request alarms&#39; Parameters

request alarms clear

Use this command to either clear current outstanding alarms or clear all alarms from history buffer.

  • current – Use this parameter to clear all current/outstanding alarm(s). To clear a specific alarm, include the alarmId option below.
    • alarmId – Unique alarm identifier.
    • deleteMatchingAlarms– Set this flag to "yes" to delete all alarms matching the alarm Id.
      • no
      • yes
  • history – Clear all alarms from the history buffer.
request alarms current

Use this commend to either set alarm's acknowledge state and/or add a comment to an outstanding alarm.

  • comment alarm – Add a comment to an outstanding alarm.
    • id <integer> – Unique alarm identifier.
    • text <operator comment> – Operator comments
  • state alarm – Set operator state of a specific alarm using alarm Id.
    • acknowledgeState – The current operator state of the outstanding alarm.  
      • acknowledge
      • unAcknowledge (default)
    • id <integer> – Unique alarm identifier.

Command Example

To clear all current/outstanding alarm(s):

> request alarms clear current
result success
reason All current/outstanding alarms have been purged

To clear all alarms from the history buffer:

> request alarms clear history
Deleted all alarm entries in history-table

To set the acknowledgeState of alarm Id 222 to 'acknowledge':

% request alarms current state alarm id 222 acknowledgeState acknowledge
result success
  • No labels