In this section:

View the Trap Log

The Web UI provides allows you to view the last 1000 traps.


  1. From the DSC Web UI, click SNMP.   
  2. Click Trap Log.

  3. In the Maximum number of traps enter the required value (default value is 1000).
  4. Click the required trap name.

Event Setup

For information about the Event Setup screen and related provisioning activities, see the appropriate chapter of the DSC Alarms Guide.

SNMP Omit List

Clicking this button, lists the Object types that are unavailable for SNMP.

Change the Trap Community Name

The default trap community name is “private”. You can assign your own trap community name string, up to 64 characters in length.


  1. From the DSC Web UI, click SNMP.
  2. In the Trap Community field, type a trap community name of up to 64 alphanumeric characters.
  3. Click Continue

Create or Delete a Trap Host

A Trap Host is a remote SNMP Manager to where the DSC Platform forwards traps. You can create and delete up to four Trap Hosts.


  1. From the DSC Web UI, click SNMP.
  2. Click Trap Host List.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Enter the required Trap Host name and click Continue.
    To delete a Trap Host, click the Delete button in the same line that the Trap Host you want to delete appears.

View the List of Existing SNMP Agent Hosts

On the DSC Platform, internal processes such as MTP operate as internal SNMP agents. Deleting an internal agent host disables the related DSC Platform process from SNMP management functions and from the Web UI.

Your system should include default agent hosts configured for the processes running on the DSC Platform.

For more information about the internal agent hosts, or for adding optional features as agent hosts for SNMP management, contact Customer Support.


  1. From the DSC Web UI, click SNMP.
  2. Click Agent Host List.
  3. Click the required agent host.

View a Definition File List

The definition file list includes read-only files that provide the syntax to decode information for all user interfaces.


  1. From the DSC Web UI, click SNMP.
  2. Click Definition File List.
  3. Click the required definition file.

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