Filtered information is usually associated with other records or lists from different tables. The Soft Link feature helps link related filtered records and lists across multiple database tables for the GTT application. The Soft Link (displayed as an arrow on the Web UI, see the following figure) is created between a record or list according to the creation and provisioning hierarchy of the GTT application. As a result, Soft Links have a one-way relationship between database records and lists. For example, a GT Called Search record may have attributes, such as PC List Name, GT Calling Searches EPR, and GT Modification Name, that link to one or multiple records in a different table.

GTT Soft Link Example


Soft Links do not appear in the Web UI if there is no record or table to link to the attribute. In the preceding figure, the GT Calling Searches EPR attribute has no associated Soft Link because it is set to UNDEFINED.

In the GTT filter screens, any filtered objects with related records act as soft links (see the following figure).

GT Called Searches Filtering Example

For GTT, links to records or lists are retrieved using the DB Def Name and one of the following attributes:


The selected attribute depends on the originating record.

  • PC List Name
  • GT Modification Name
  • GT Calling Searches EPR
  • GT OPC Searches EPR
  • Command List Name

If the table owning the linked record or list of records is locked, a warning message appears requesting the user decide to continue with read only access or to unlock the table, forcing the release of the table from the current user who is viewing or editing a record in the table.


After clicking a filtered Soft Link selection, the back button cannot be used to return to the originating record. To get back to the originating record, a new filter must be applied on the given table. This filter application can trigger the lock warning prompt if that table is in use by another user.

Filtered information is usually associated with other records or lists from different tables. The Soft Link feature helps link related filtered records and lists across multiple database tables for the GWST application. The Soft Link (displayed as an arrow on the Web UI, see the following figure) is created between a record or list according to the creation and provisioning hierarchy of the GWST application. As a result, Soft Links have a one-way relationship between database records and lists.

For GWST, links to records or lists are retrieved using the Next Table and the Next EPR attribute. The Soft Link goes to the record or list based on the Next Step attribute. In the following figure, for example, the Allowed SIO Soft Link goes to the Allowed TCAP OP Codes table.

GWST Soft Link Example


Soft Links do not appear in the Web UI if there is no record or table to link to the attribute.

If the table owning the linked record or list of records is locked, a warning message appears requesting the user decide to continue with read only access or to unlock the table, forcing the release of the table from the current user who is viewing or editing a record in the table.


After clicking a filtered Soft Link selection, the back button cannot be used to return to the originating record. To get back to the originating record, a new filter must be applied on the given table. This filter application can trigger the lock warning prompt if that table is in use by another user.

Filtered information is usually associated with other records or lists from different tables. The Soft Link feature helps link related filtered records and lists across multiple database tables for PCE application. The Soft Link (displayed as an arrow on the Web UI, see the following figure) is created between a record or list according to the creation and provisioning hierarchy of the PCE application. As a result, Soft Links have a one-way relationship between database records and lists.


While PCE does have a hierarchy, it is not as enforced as GTT or GWST.

PCE Soft Link Example


Soft Links do not appear in the Web UI if there is no record or table to link to the attribute.

In the PCE Live and Workspace DB configuration screens, any filtered objects with related records act as soft links (see the following figure).

Trunk Mappings Filtering Example


For PCE, links to records or lists are retrieved using the name based attributes from the following:


The selected attribute depends on the originating record.

  • Private Node Name
  • Public Node Name
  • TCAP Private Node Name
  • Public Gateway Name
  • TCAP Public Gateway Name

If the table owning the linked record or list of records is locked, a warning message appears requesting the user decide to continue with read only access or to unlock the table, forcing the release of the table from the current user who is viewing or editing a record in the table.


After clicking a filtered Soft Link selection, the back button cannot be used to return to the originating record. To get back to the originating record, a new filter must be applied on the given table. This filter application can trigger the lock warning prompt if that table is in use by another user.

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