In the EMA, navigate to All > Profiles > Signaling > Atprofile > Feature Capability Indicator.

The window Feature Capability Indicator appears.

Figure 1: Feature Capability Indicator window

From the drop-down menu Atprofile, select an Atprofile.

After selection of an Atprofile, the frame Edit Feature Capability Window appears.

By default, the Access Transfer Policy Profile Type is set to ATCF. The figure above, with the title Edit Feature Capability Indicator window, illustrates the default scenario.

However, if the field Access Transfer Policy Profile Type is set to EATF, the fields corresponding to the frame Edit Feature Capability Indicator changes, as illustrated below.

The fields in the Edit Access Transfer Policy Profile Type_ frame are:

Table 1: Parameters: Edit Access Transfer Policy Profile Type_

 FieldOptions/Possible ValuesDescription
Msc Assisted Mid CallDisable | Enable

Enable/Disable the flag MSC Assisted Mid Call.

Ps Cs Alerting SRV CCDisable | Enable

Enable/Disable the flag PS-CSAlertingSRVCC.

Cs Ps Alerting SRV CCDisable | Enable

Enable/Disable the flag CS-PSAlertingSRVCC.

Cs Ps SRV CCDisable | Enable

Enable Disable the flag CS-PSSRVCC.

Ps Cs Pre Alerting SRV CCDisable | Enable

Enable Disable the flag PS-CSPreAlertingSRVCC.

Cs Ps Pre Alerting SRV CCDisable | Enable

Enable Disable the flag CS-PSPreAlertingSRVCC.

Click Save to save the changes made. Click Undo Edits to undo all changes since the last saved configuration.

On saving the changes successfully, the Success message appears:

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