Resources | node | addressContext | linkDetectionGroup | linkMonitorStatistics


Specifies the statistics for link failure detected per IP interface.

Exists on Condition /system/isOAM ='true'

Operational Data

name The name of the link monitor.
minTime The minimum time (in microseconds) used to get a reply for an echo request packet.
maxTime The maximum time (in microseconds) used to get a reply for an echo request packet.
averageTime The average time (in microseconds) used to get a reply for an echo request packet.
singleFailures The number of times the link monitor failed to receive a single echo reply, but the first reattempt was successful.
doubleFailures The number of times the link monitor failed to receive two consecutive echo replies, but the second reattempt was successful.
failures The number of times the link monitor has declared itself failed, due to either a physical port failure or a failure to receive replies to its echo requests.
replies The total number of replies received by the link monitor from its destination.
duplicateReplies The number of duplicate replies received by the link monitor from its destination, where the sequence number of a reply is the same as one just received.
lateReplies The number of late replies received by the link monitor from its destination, where the echo reply is received after the timer for that request expired.

curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X GET https://{SBX-SERVER}/restconf/data/sonusNodeList:node={nodeName}/sonusNodeListAddressContext:addressContext={name}/sonusNodeListLvm:linkDetectionGroup={name}/linkMonitorStatistics={name}

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