Resources | addressContext | zone | mtrmConnPort


The SBC 5000 series platform supports the use of the Master Trunk Resource Manager (MTRM) to manage call and bandwidth resources on clients spread across multiple servers, thus enabling service providers to support enterprise customers using enterprise-wide CAC management down to the location and trunk group levels.


indexMuint32 Index of this Master Trunk Group Connection Port.
portRoleMenumeration The role of the MTRM Connection Port, there can only be one server port per SBX.
primaryServerIPAddrOip-address IP address of the primary server, this can be IPV4 or IPV6
primaryServerPortNumberOint324360 If portRole is server, this is the MTRM listen Port, If portRole is client, this is the MTRM server port to connect to.
ipInterfaceGroupNameOreference IP interface group used by this MTRM Connection Port.
mgmtInterfaceGroupNameOreference MGMT interface group used by this MTRM Connection Port.
ipAddressV4Oipv4-address If portRole is server, this is the IPV4 listen address of the MTRM Connection Port, if portRole is client, this is the local IPV4 address.
ipAddressV6Oipv6-address If portRole is server, this is the IPV6 listen address of the MTRM Connection Port, if portRole is client, this is the local IPV6 address.
portNumberOint324360 PortRole is server, this is the MTRM listen Port,
secondaryIpAddressOip-address This is the IPV4 or IPV6 address of the secondary server.
secondaryPortNumberOint324360 This is the port number of MTRM secondary server.
healthCheckIntervalOuint165 This is the MTRM HealthCheck Interval (in seconds) A health check message will be sent to peer at this interval .
healthCheckTimeoutOuint1625 The timeout in seconds for the healthcheck, client connection will timeout if no response is received from server and server connection will timeout if no healthcheck message is received from client for this much span of time.
healthCheckIgnoreOenumerationdisable This value when enabled will ignore health timeout.
modeOenumerationinService The operational mode for this Master Trunk Group Connection Port.
stateOenumerationdisabled Administrative state of this Master Trunk Group Connection Port.
retryCountOuint165 Number of times a connection attempt will be made to the peer, connection will switch to alternate server if configured after this much of connection attemps.
serverReconnectIntervalOuint165 Time interval in seconds when the client will re-try connection to the server.
forceSecondaryConnectionOenumerationdisabled Forces the MTRM Connection Port to its secondary for a geo-redundant client; enabled - If connected to primary, MTRM connection port will be forced to secondary; if connected to secondary, MTRM connection port will remain connected to secondary even if primary is available; disabled - Primary server affinity will be restored (default)


Operation NameDescription
reset Reset the Master Trunk Group Connection Port.
statReset Reset the Master Trunk Group Connection Port statistics.

curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X GET https://{SBX-SERVER}/restconf/data/sonusAddressContext:addressContext={name}/sonusZone:zone={name}/sonusMasterTrunkGroupConnPort:mtrmConnPort={index}


curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/yang-data+xml' https://{SBX-SERVER}/restconf/data/sonusAddressContext:addressContext={name}/sonusZone:zone={name} --data '


curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X DELETE https://{SBX-SERVER}/restconf/data/sonusAddressContext:addressContext={name}/sonusZone:zone={name}/sonusMasterTrunkGroupConnPort:mtrmConnPort={index}

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