In this section:
In the AWS environment, Userdata is populated automatically by the template when SWe instances are launched. Metadata is populated automatically by the Life Cycle Agent (LCA) from the information obtained from the AWS internal Metadata server. The Metadata and the Userdata are populated in the standard JSON format (.json
The SBC SWe instances are launched on AWS with CFN templates provided by Ribbon. The LCA performs the following:
- LCA is part of the AMI and starts automatically when SWe instance is booted.
- Orchestrates the initial configuration and activation of the SBC SWe instance.
Once the SWe instance boots up, Cloud-init retrieves Metadata and Userdata information associated with this instance from the internal Metadata server and provides it to the LCA.
- LCA validates the Userdata content populated. Based on the information obtained from the Metadata and the Userdata from the internal Metadata server, LCA populates the instance specific Metadata which will then be converted into Metavars which is processed by the application.
Configuring the SBC instances on AWS is similar to configuring SBC on OpenStack. For complete CLI configuration, refer to CLI Reference Guide.
For AWS and OpenStack, there is now a common RESTCONF API command for accessing/showing/listing instantiation data such as meta-data and user-data. For details, refer to the RESTCONF API Reference Guide.
The Metadata information is auto populated from the internal Metadata server in AWS.
- When LCA boots up, it queries the metadata from the AWS server
- The metadata is copied at this location by LCA:
Format of Userdata for HA
If the CERole parameter is Active/Standby, it represents HA userdata format.
{ "ALT_Mgt0_00": "LOGICAL_MGMT_IP", "ALT_Pkt0_00": "VIP1", "ALT_Pkt1_00": "VIP2", "AdminSshKey": "<public key>", "CEName": "<CEName>", "CERole": "<ACTIVE | STANDBY>", "ClusterIp": "<cluster IP>", "EnableCloudWatchMetrics": "<True | False>", "HFE": "<HFE IP>", "IAM_ROLE": "<AWS IAM Role Name>", "NodeName": "<node name>", "PeerCEHa0IPv4Address": "<PeerCEHa0IPv4Address>", "PeerCEName": "<PeerCEName>", "ReverseNatPkt0": "<True | False>", "ReverseNatPkt1": "<True | False>", "SbcHaMode": "1to1", "SbcPersonalityType": "isbc", "SortHfeEip": "True", "SystemName": "<SystemName>", "TemplateName": "AWS_HA_template.json", "TemplateVersion": "<template version>", "ThirdPartyCpuAlloc": "<vcpu>", "ThirdPartyMemAlloc": "<mb>" "UseAnonymizationFeature": "<True | False>", }
Example of Userdata for HA
{ "ALT_Mgt0_00": "LOGICAL_MGMT_IP", "ALT_Pkt0_00": "VIP1", "ALT_Pkt1_00": "VIP2", "AdminSshKey": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCJnrFMr/RXJD3rVLMLdkJBYau+lWQ+F55Xj+KjunVBtw/zXURV38QIQ1zCw/GDO2CZTSyehUeiV0pi2moUs0ZiK6/TdWTzcOP3RCUhNI26sBFv/Tk5MdaojSqUc2NMpS/c1ESCmaUMBv4F7PfeHt0f3PqpUsxvKeNQQuEZyXjFEwAUdbkCMEptgaroYwuEz4SpFCfNBh0obUSoX5FNiNO/OyXcR8poVH0UhFim0Rdneo7VEH5FeqdkdGyZcTFs7A7aWpBRY3N8KUwklmNSWdDZ9//epEwgaF3m5U7XMd4M9zHURF1uQ/Nc+aiyVId9Mje2EU+nh6npaw/tEOPUiC1v", "CEName": "vsbc1", "CERole": "ACTIVE", "ClusterIp": "", "EnableCloudWatchMetrics": "False", "HFE": "", "IAM_ROLE": "SWe", "NodeName": "testnode", "PeerCEHa0IPv4Address": "", "PeerCEName": "vsbc2", "ReverseNatPkt0": "True", "ReverseNatPkt1": "False", "SbcHaMode": "1to1", "SbcPersonalityType": "isbc", "SortHfeEip": "True", "SystemName": "vsbcSystem", "TemplateName": "AWS_HA_template.json", "TemplateVersion": "V09.01.00R001", "ThirdPartyCpuAlloc": "0", "ThirdPartyMemAlloc": "0", "UseAnonymizationFeature": "False" }
Format of Userdata for Standalone
If the CERole parameter is missing, it represents standalone userdata format.
{ "ReverseNatPkt0" : "<True | False>", "ReverseNatPkt1" : "<True | False>", "SbcPersonalityType" : "isbc", "CEName" : "<CEName>", "SystemName" : "<SystemName>", "ThirdPartyCpuAlloc" : "0", "ThirdPartyMemAlloc" : "0", "AdminSshKey" : "<public key>" }
Example of Userdata for Standalone
{ "ReverseNatPkt0" : "False", "ReverseNatPkt1" : "False", "SbcPersonalityType" : "isbc", "SystemName" : "vsbcSystem", "CEName" : "vsbc1", "ThirdPartyCpuAlloc" : "0", "ThirdPartyMemAlloc" : "0", "AdminSshKey" : "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCJnrFMr/RXJD3rVLMLdkJBYau+lWQ+F55Xj+KjunVBtw/zXURV38QIQ1zCw/GDO2CZTSyehUeiV0pi2moUs0ZiK6/TdWTzcOP3RCUhNI26sBFv/Tk5MdaojSqUc2NMpS/c1ESCmaUMBv4F7PfeHt0f3PqpUsxvKeNQQuEZyXjFEwAUdbkCMEptgaroYwuEz4SpFCfNBh0obUSoX5FNiNO/OyXcR8poVH0UhFim0Rdneo7VEH5FeqdkdGyZcTFs7A7aWpBRY3N8KUwklmNSWdDZ9//epEwgaF3m5U7XMd4M9zHURF1uQ/Nc+aiyVId9Mje2EU+nh6npaw/tEOPUiC1v" }
Meta Variables
Interface related information (contents of Interface and ALT IP definition) provided in userdata and/or metadata is flattened down into key-value pairs, which would be used for CLI configuration.
MetaVariable dictionary is populated in the file /opt/sonus/instanceMetaVar.json and the corresponding XML file is injected into the CDB, is located at /opt/sonus/sbx/lca/sonusMetaVariables.xml
The IP address is obtained from DHCP query for respective interface. The IP address, Gateway address, Subnet prefix is directly populated in the /opt/sonus/sbx/lca/sonusMetaVariables.xml file.
The metaVariables can be viewed from the CLI command as shown below :
> show table system metaVariable CE NAME NAME VALUE ---------------------------------------------------------------- vsbc1- IF0.GWV4 vsbc1- IF0.IPV4 vsbc1- IF0.Port Mgt0 vsbc1- IF0.RNat True vsbc1- IF1.GWV4 vsbc1- IF1.IPV4 vsbc1- IF1.Port Ha0 vsbc1- IF1.RNat True vsbc1- IF2.GWV4 vsbc1- IF2.IPV4 vsbc1- IF2.Port Pkt0 vsbc1- IF2.RNat True vsbc1- IF3.GWV4 vsbc1- IF3.IPV4 vsbc1- IF3.Port Pkt1 vsbc1- IF3.RNat False vsbc1- IF0.FIPV4 vsbc1- IF0.PrefixV4 24 vsbc1- IF1.PrefixV4 24 vsbc1- IF2.PrefixV4 24 vsbc1- IF3.PrefixV4 24 vsbc1- HFE_IF2.FIPV4 vsbc1- HFE_IF2.IFName IF_HFE vsbc1- LOGICAL_MGMT_IP.IP vsbc1- secondaryIPList.Mgt0 [''] vsbc1- secondaryIPList.Pkt0 [''] vsbc1- secondaryIPList.Pkt1 [''] vsbc1- LOGICAL_MGMT_IP.FIPV4 vsbc1- LOGICAL_MGMT_IP.IFName IF0 vsbc2- IF0.GWV4 vsbc2- IF0.IPV4 vsbc2- IF0.Port Mgt0 vsbc2- IF0.RNat True vsbc2- IF1.GWV4 vsbc2- IF1.IPV4 vsbc2- IF1.Port Ha0 vsbc2- IF1.RNat True vsbc2- IF2.GWV4 vsbc2- IF2.IPV4 vsbc2- IF2.Port Pkt0 vsbc2- IF2.RNat True vsbc2- IF3.GWV4 vsbc2- IF3.IPV4 vsbc2- IF3.Port Pkt1 vsbc2- IF3.RNat False vsbc2- IF0.FIPV4 vsbc2- IF0.PrefixV4 24 vsbc2- IF1.PrefixV4 24 vsbc2- IF2.PrefixV4 24 vsbc2- IF3.PrefixV4 24 vsbc2- HFE_IF2.FIPV4 vsbc2- HFE_IF2.IFName IF_HFE vsbc2- LOGICAL_MGMT_IP.IP vsbc2- secondaryIPList.Mgt0 [''] vsbc2- secondaryIPList.Pkt0 [''] vsbc2- secondaryIPList.Pkt1 [''] vsbc2- LOGICAL_MGMT_IP.FIPV4 vsbc2- LOGICAL_MGMT_IP.IFName IF0
When using Cloudformation Templates to create the SBC setup and the number of secondary IPs selected for an interface is greater than the number of Elastic IPs, the secondary IPs that have an Elastic IP attached are not given priority in the ordering. Instead, the SBC simply orders the secondary IPs based on the numeric value. This means that the metavariable table may look incorrect; however, it is a true representation of which Elastic IP is attached to which secondary IP.
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIG1 ipInterface LIG1_V4 ipVarV4 IF2.IPV4 prefixVarV4 IF2.PrefixV4 vlanTagVar IF5.VlanId portName pkt0 state enabled mode inService
set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup LIG2 ipInterface LIG2_V4 ipVarV4 IF3.IPV4 prefixVarV4 IF3.PrefixV4 ipPublicVarV4 IF3.FIPV4 portName pkt1 state enabled mode inService
set addressContext default zone ZONE_AS sipSigPort 3 ipInterfaceGroup LIG2 ipVarV4 IF3.IPV4 ipPublicVarV4 IF3.FIPV4 state enabled