SNMP NameptLSLinkSs7L2LinkUnaligned

This event indicates that a signaling link is not aligned either because the link has not successfully completed proving, or the link has failed.

ActionSee the following Recommended Action

Recommended Action

If the link does not align, the operator has to intervene in order to successfully align the link. If a link is not coming up at L2, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to the Web UI as root.
  2. Check the port the link is using and ensure that the port has SYNC.
    1. Click Hardware.
    2. Click on the I/O card in the Hardware graphic.
    3. Check the status of the port being used for the affected link.
  3. Locate the Alarm.   
    1. Click on the minor alarm count in the Alarm Dashboard.
    2. Click on this alarm number.
    3. Click on the date of the occurrence.
    4. Click Associated UI Object.
  4. Change the L2 Debug to 2.
  5. Use SSH to access the system as root.

    When a link aligns the logs show the following activity:

    • Send SIO  
    • Receive SIO  
    • Send SIN or SIE  
    • Receive SIN or SIE  
    • L2 in service 
  6. On the command line enter tail -f /var/log/ptidbglog.
    1. Any receipt of SIOS means that the other side is stopping link alignment or taking the link  down - need to contact remote end to see why.
    2. Any sending of SIOS means that we are stopping link alignment or taking link down usually for timer expiry because we are not receiving expected message.
    3. Too long without signal - this means that we are not receiving anything from the other side.
    4. Too long to receive SIO - we are not receiving SIO and link alignment cannot continue.

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