In this section:

This section provides the procedure to create a USB key backup on the new AMC121 CPU for GEO configuration. This newly created USB key will be used to restore the SP2000 O/S, application software, and data configuration on the new AMC121 CPU.

Before you can create a USB key backup you must deactivate the new AMC121 CPU.       

To deactivate the new AMC121 CPU

  1. Put one hand on the AMC121 CPU faceplate and pull on the ejector handle until this handle is fully extended. 
  2. The AMC121 CPU’s blue hot-swap LED blinks to indicate that the handle is open and this card is waiting to be deactivated. Wait until the blue LED stops blinking and remains illuminated.
    The CPU is now deactivated.

To create a USB key backup 

  1. Create USB Key image using the new script remote_create_usb_backup on the working AMC121 CPU.


    Example output for the new script remote_create_usb_backup on the working AMC121 CPU is as follows (output will vary slightly depending on the release version):

    Preparing to backup data
    tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
    Generating (temporary) USB image /var/log/generated_usb_image
  2. Activate the new AMC121 CPU by pressing the ejector handle toward the front panel. When the AMC121 is operational, the blue hot-swap LED turns off.

  3. Extract the IPADDR and NETMASK values for the new AMC121 CPU which will be used to establish the internal networking between the two AMCs by doing one of the following:

    1. If slot 14 is the working AMC 121 CPU and slot 24 is the new AMC121 CPU, run the following command:

      grep -e internal1_IPADDR -e internal1_NETMASK /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/data/slot24/etc/pticonfig

      The example output for this command is as follows:

    2. If slot 24 is the working AMC 121 CPU and slot 14 is the new AMC121 CPU, run the following command:

      grep -e internal1_IPADDR -e internal1_NETMASK /opt/cpu_ss7gw/current/data/slot14/etc/pticonfig

      The example output for this command is as follows:

  4. Using the console connection to the new AMC121 CPU, configure the network for the connection to the working CPU with the following command, replacing the example values with the actual IP host address and netmask values determined in step 7.


    Make a note the IP host address and netmask values for use in the next steps.

    ifconfig bond0:1 netmask up
  5. Use a ping command from the working AMC121 CPU to confirm the configuration.


    Ensure to specify the IP host address of the new CPU. 

    ping -c 5

    Example output for the ping command is as follows:

    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.106 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.104 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.103 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.102 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.104 ms
    --- ping statistics ---
    5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4001ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.102/0.103/0.106/0.012 ms
  6. If the ping is not working, run the following script on the new AMC121 CPU to clear the firewall and then enter the ping command again.

  7. Run the following command on the working AMC121 CPU to remove the host key entry of the new AMC121 CPU from the known_hosts file.  Replace the example IP host address with the actual IP host address determined in step 7.

    sed -i '/' /root/.ssh/known_hosts
  8.  Run the following command on the working AMC121 CPU to copy the /etc/hosts to the new AMC121 CPU.  Replace the example IP host address with the actual IP host address determined in step 7.

    scp /etc/hosts root@
  9. Copy the USB Key image to the new AMC121 CPU from the working AMC121 CPU by doing one of the following:

    1. For Release 18.0.0 and later:

      1. If slot 14 is the working AMC 121 CPU and slot 24 is the new AMC121 CPU, enter the following:

        scp /var/log/generated_usb_image root@slot24_0:/var/log/
      2. If slot 24 is the working AMC 121 CPU and slot 14 is the new AMC121 CPU, enter the following:

        scp /var/log/generated_usb_image root@slot14_0:/var/log/

    2. For Release 3.3.0 / 3.4.1 / 3.4.5 / 3.5.0 / 3.6.0 / 3.6.5 / 3.7.0 / 3.7.1:
      1. If slot 14 is the working AMC 121 CPU and slot 24 is the new AMC121 CPU, enter the following:

        rcp -r /var/log/tmp_extract root@slot24_0:/var/log/
      2. If slot 24 is the working AMC 121 CPU and slot 14 is the new AMC121 CPU, enter the following:
        rcp -r /var/log/tmp_extract root@slot14_0:/var/log/
  10. List the device nodes for all currently connected storage devices by executing the following command:

    fdisk -l | grep -o "^Disk /dev/sd." | awk '{ print $2 }'

    Example output for this command is as follows:

    # fdisk -l | grep -o "^Disk /dev/sd." | awk '{ print $2 }'
  11. Insert the USB key into the USB Port on the new AMC121 CPU.
  12. Determine the USB key's device node by again listing the device nodes for all currently connected storage devices, by executing the same command. 

    fdisk -l | grep -o "^Disk /dev/sd." | awk '{ print $2 }'

    Example output for this command is as follows, such that the device node for the USB key is the sole new entry in the list. (/dev/sdc in this example):

    # fdisk -l | grep -o "^Disk /dev/sd." | awk '{ print $2 }'
  13. Set the local environment variable 'USB_KEY_DEVICE' to the device node determined in the previous step. For example, using '/dev/sdc' as above (the device node may differ in your case):

  14. Ensure that the USB key device is not mounted by issuing the following command and ensuring that there is no corresponding output. (If any output is generated do not proceed further with these instructions). 

    cat /proc/mounts | grep $USB_KEY_DEVICE
  15. Create the USB key on the new AMC121 CPU. 
    1. For Release 18.0.0 and later:

      dd if=/var/log/generated_usb_image of=$USB_KEY_DEVICE

      Example output if this command is as follows:

      1000000+0 records in
      1000000+0 records out
      512000000 bytes (512 MB) copied, 125.785 s, 4.1 MB/s
    2. For Release 3.3.0 / 3.4.1 / 3.4.5 / 3.5.0 / 3.6.0 / 3.6.5 / 3.7.0 / 3.7.1:

      dd if=/var/log/tmp_extract/base_usb_image of=$USB_KEY_DEVICE

      Example output of this command is as follows:

      4194304+0 records in
      4194304+0 records out
      2147483648 bytes (2.1 GB) copied, 508.2166 s, 4.0 MB/s
  16. Remove the USB Key image on both the new AMC121 CPU and the working AMC121 CPU. 
    1. For Release 18.0.0 and later:

      rm -f /var/log/generated_usb_image
    2. For Release 3.3.0 / 3.4.1 / 3.4.5 / 3.5.0 / 3.6.0 / 3.6.5 / 3.7.0 / 3.7.1:

      rm -rf /var/log/tmp_extract

  17. In preparation for the restoration of the software, deactivate the new AMC121 CPU when the file deletion is complete (see To deactivate the new AMC121 CPU). 

  18. The USB key can be removed at this time. 


     The USB key does not have to be removed from the new AMC121 CPU if the restore procedure is being immediately performed next.