In this section:

Preparing for Firmware Upgrade

Before performing a firmware update to the system, you must contact Ribbon Communications technical support (refer to Contact and Support) to obtain the correct filename for the desired hardware platform.

The default download server is

When performing a local firmware update, your Ribbon Communications technical support representative will provide instructions for creating the correct directory structure on your local FTP server to allow the system to perform a local firmware update.


When you update your software, telephone services are unavailable for several minutes. It is therefore advised that upgrades be performed during a maintenance window when telephone traffic can be interrupted. 

Before You Begin

  1. It is recommended that you reboot the EdgeMarc before performing an upgrade. The reboot will ensure that enough dynamic memory is available to handle the upgrade process. Refer to Rebooting the System for more information.
  2. Check the System Information page to make sure there are no active calls in the Number of Active Streams field. Choose Admin > System Information and refer to Viewing System Information.

Where Do I Download New VOS Firmware?

VOS firmware is available on the Ribbon Communications FTP site. Contact Ribbon TAC/support for firmware upgrade(refer to Contact and Support).

Upgrading Your Firmware


When the Write process begins, do not change the configuration or power off the device until after the system has completed writing the firmware and rebooted. The device may become unusable if the write is interrupted.

The system automatically restarts after the new image has been loaded. Once the upgrade process has completed, verify that the new firmware version number is displayed on the Admin > Upgrade Firmware page.

To Upgrade the System Firmware

  1. Choose Admin > Upgrade Firmware.

  2. Configure settings using the information in the following table as a guide. When you have finished configuring settings, click Submit to make your changes take effect.

    Upgrade Firmware Page


    Displays the system platform type.

    Current Version

    Displays the system current firmware version.

    Download Server

    The FTP/SCP server hosting the firmware. This field can be an IP or DNS name of a LAN or WAN side FTP / SCP server. For example, the Ribbon FTP site:

    Upgrade Method

    Select an upgrade method: FTP or SCP.

    Filename/File Path

    For FTP—Enter the firmware image filename.

    For SCP—Enter the full firmware image file path.

    UsernameEnter the username to log in on the server for the selected upgrade method.

    Enter a password. Refer to Password Guidelines for information about creating passwords for the EdgeMarc.

    Use Only Signed ImageSelect if you want to flash only a signed firmware image. When unchecked, both signed and unsigned images (whichever is available) are accepted. Note: This feature is available only on the following platforms:
    • EdgeMarc 300 series
    • EdgeMarc 6000 series
    • EdgeMarc 2000 series
    • EdgeMarc 7000 series
    • EdgeMarc 4806B
    • EdgeMarc 4808B

    Use passive FTP

    Select the Use passive FTP checkbox to allow the FTP server to determine the port over which data is sent. By default, the system uses active FTP.

    Ping Upgrade Server

    Select the Ping Upgrade Server checkbox to send an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Type 8 echo request to the configured Download Server. If the server does not respond to the echo request, the upgrade is not initiated and fails. This option is enabled by default.

    Display Upgrade Log

    Select the Display Upgrade Log checkbox to display an upgrade status log of the firmware upgrade progress.

  3. Click Submit to save all settings on the Upgrade Firmware page.