Modified: for 9.2.3

The SBC Core's SIP trunk group signaling configuration is enhanced to include a parameter, generateOrReplacePCV, to relay or generate a P-Charging-Vector (PCV) header, depending upon the terminating and originating Inter-Operator Identifier (IOI) values sent in the PCV header.

Use the parameter, generateOrReplacePCV,  to specify the term-IOI and orig-IOI identifiers, as well as enable/disable the option to relay or generate a PCV header using the configured values. By default, this feature is disabled. 

  • If the generateOrReplacePCV flag is enabled, the SBC either replaces the term-IOI and orig-IOI values in a PCV header (if present) with the provisioned values, or generates the missing PCV header term-IOI and orig-IOI from the incoming message with the provisioned values. 
  • If the sendPCVHeader flag is enabled on an SBC trunk, the SBC sends the PCV header in the outgoing message. If the flag is disabled, the SBC does not add the PCV header to the outgoing message. 

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name> sipTrunkGroup <sipTrunkGroup name> signaling generateOrReplacePCV
    state <disabled | enabled>
    termIOI <termIOI name>
    origIOI <termIOI name>
    sendPCVHeader <disabled | enabled>

Command Parameters




generateOrReplacePCVN/AUse this configuration to relay or generate a P-Charging-Vector (PCV) header, depending upon the terminating and originating Inter-IOI values sent in the PCV header.



Enable this flag to allow the SBC to either replace the term-IOI and orig-IOI values in a PCV header (if present) with the provisioned values, or generate the missing PCV header term-IOI and orig-IOI from the incoming message with the provisioned values. 

  • disabled (default) 
  • enabled


1-63 characters, or null

Specify the originating inter-operator ID (default = null).

termIOI1-63 characters, or null

Specify the terminating inter-operator ID (default = null).


Enable this flag to send the PCV header in the outgoing message. If disabled, the SBC does not add the PCV header to the outgoing message. 

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled

Configuration Example

Use the following example to:

  • enable the generateOrReplacePCV feature to relay or generate a P-Charging-Vector (PCV) header,
  • specify the origIOI and termIOI IDs, and
  • enable the sendPCVHeader flag to send the PCV header in the outgoing message.

set addressContext default zone ZONE1 sipTrunkGroup GW_SBX_INT signaling generateOrReplacePCV state enabled termIOI TERM_IOI origIOI PARTNER_ORIG_IOI sendPCVHeader enabled