The Microsoft (MS) Teams solution can include other services that your installation may support to provide services beyond adding the Ribbon SBC for voice SBC support.

In the diagram below, the Ribbon SBC is a configured service to the overall Microsoft Teams solution. The SBC normalizes MS Teams based voice protocols to any SIP voice trunking provider for PSTN access. Explained below is a typical SBC deployment scenario with MS Teams solution:

  • Microsoft Teams is deployed in the cloud on the WAN network and services multiple applications for the users. Remote or mobile are supported through MS Teams cloud instance and can be configured to use the Ribbon SBC as its PSTN voice gateway.
  • The enterprise has chosen voice SIP trunking support as the IP-to-IP service for PSTN access.
  • Ribbon's SBC will provide the intercommunication support from MS Teams to the SIP trunking provider for PSTN access and security for the solution.
    • SIP UDP/RTP will be used for the SIP trunking provider.
    • SIP TLS/SRTP will be used on the WAN network from MS Teams.

 Typical SBC Deployment Scenario