In this section:

Routing groups are groups of redundant LAN side SIP endpoints that act as a single routing point.

Before you Begin

LAN side trunking devices are configured on the ALG or B2BUA page. Once the devices have been configured, they can be grouped together on the Trunking Group Availability page to create routing groups.

Configure LAN side trunking devices:

Creating and Managing Routing Groups and Keepalives

This section outlines how to create and manage routing groups and keepalives.

To Create and Manage Routing Groups and Keepalives

  1. Choose VoIP > SIP > Trunking Group.

  2. Configure settings using the information in the following table as a guide.

    SIP Routing Configuration Parameters


    Create New Routing Group


    In the Name field, enter a name for the routing group. For example, “Group1.”

    Select group members

    Choose routing group members by selecting the checkbox next to the names in the list.

    If this list is empty, go the ALG or B2BUA page and configure the trunking devices. Refer to the following:

    Choose VoIP > SIP > ALG and configure settings on the ALG Trunking Configuration page. Refer to Configuring SIP ALG Trunking.

    Choose VoIP > SIP > B2BUA and configure settings on the B2BUA Trunking Configuration page. Refer to Configuring VoIP SIP B2BUA Trunking.

    Click Create. The chosen entries are moved from the Create a New Routing Group table to the Existing Routing Group table.

    Existing Routing Groups

    This lists all the currently configured routing groups and their options.

    Group Name—Name of the routing group. Group name should consist of alphabets, numbers and '-' or '_' symbols.

    State—State shows the status of each routing group. The status can have the following values:

       • Unavailable: None of the members in the group are reachable.

       • Available: At least one of the members is reachable.

       • Not monitored: All members are not monitored by keep alive messages.

    Keep Alive—This is a configurable option of the routing group. Check "Keep Alive" to allow the System to send periodic keep alive messages to the trusted addresses in the routing group.

    Load Balance—This is a configurable option of the routing group. Check "Load Balance" to add round-robin load balance feature to the routing group. When it is enabled, calls will be distributed among all available target addresses to balance the load.

    Invite Failover—This is a configurable option of the routing group. Check "Invite Failover" to enable INVITE failover fallback feature for the routing group.

    Trust Enabled—This is a configurable option of the routing group. Check "Trust Enabled" to limit SIP Traffic to trusted addresses.

    Trusted List—The Trusted List is the list of DNS A record names or IPs that are allowed for this specific routing group. The system will only accept and send SIP messages to the A record names or IPs defined in this list. Omitting an A record name or an IP address from this list removes this host from the group and therefor is not trusted. Omitted hosts will not be monitored for availability, nor will the system send or respond to SIP messages to or from the omitted host addresses. Multiple addresses may be entered and separated by semicolon.

    Members for Group

    This lists all the members of the selected routing group. Choose from the drop down box on the right to select the routing group.
    NameName of the trunking device which is configured on the B2BUA page.
    FQDNThe IP address or FQDN configured for the sip trunking device in the B2BUA page.

    The DNS resolved address and port of the trunking device.


    The type of last event received from trunking device address.

    Last Event

    This field is to indicate whether the resolved address is verified by the trust list as trusted address or not.


    The last column of the table gives the current state of the SIP device, which can be one of the following three:

    Available: Reachability test passed.

    Unavailable: Reachability test failed.

    Not monitored: No reachability test configured for this device, or the device is not trusted and it is not monitored.


    The System provides monitoring of the routing group members by sending periodic SIP OPTIONS Keepalive messages. Any SIP message response by the group members to the SIP OPTIONS messages requests will be considered a positive response unless the SIP message response code configured in the Error Response field is received.

    Positive responses will set a state of Available.

    User-configured Error Responses will set a state of Unreachable.

    The following configuration options are available for these messages:

    IntervalThe interval in seconds between each keepalive message. Valid values range from 3 to max. interval seconds.
    From UserThe From username in the SIP OPTIONS message generated by the System.
    To User

    The To username in the SIP OPTIONS message generated by the System.

    Error Response

    If the System receives this SIP error response code in response to an OPTIONS then it will treat the trunking device as unreachable. Only one response code may be entered.

       • Backoff on No response—If this option is selected then the behavior of Keepalives when no response is received can be configured in the following 2 ways:

       • Regular—In this mode the System successively doubles the interval until it reaches the max. interval.

       • Random—In this mode the System sends the next keepalive after a randomly selected interval between 3 and max. interval seconds. 0 is a valid entry implying no backoff on no response.

    Invite Failover Fallback Settings

    The System B2BUA can perform INVITE failover to the next available address when the INVITE to primary address failed. When the primary is up, the system can fallback to the primary address for the next INVITE call automatically. The following configuration options are available:

    Failover upon Invite Responses

    The INVITE response codes which are treated as an indication of the target is down and the system should resend the INVITE to the next available target address. By default 503 response code is configured. When the system B2BUA receives a 503 INVITE response, B2BUA will immediately mark the target address "unavailable" and re-send the INVITE message to the next available target address. Multiple response code may be entered and separated by semicolon.

    INVITE Fallback

    When the routing group keep alive option is enabled, the System uses the keep-alive logic to detect when the failed target address is available and route calls to it again. When the routing group keep alive option is not enabled, the System uses following ways to detect when to fallback.

    Fallback with auto keep alive: When a INVITE failover happens, the System B2BUA will automatically send keep-alive OPTIONS messages to the failed target address to detect when to fallback. When the failed target address responses the keep-alive OPTIONS messages, the System B2BUA will mark the target address "available" and automatically stop the keep-alive OPTIONS.

    Fallback Interval: When a INVITE failover happens and the keep alive option is not enabled for the routing group, the System B2BUA will start a fallback timer with the configured interval. Once the fallback timer times out, B2BUA will automatically mark the failed target address "available".

  3. Click Save.

  4. Click Submit All to save all changes on the page.


    To delete any entry in the Existing Routing Group table, click the red x next to entry that you want to delete from the routing group. The entry is removed from the Existing Routing Group table and appears in the Create a New Routing Group table