A small SBC SWe (2vCPU) is supported in AWS. You can orchestrate it using the Cloud Formation Templates or using Terraform.


As of this release, only small SBC SWe standalone is supported.

Differences between Small SBC SWe and Standard SBC SWe in AWS

Reduced Network Interfaces

In AWS, the 2vCPU instance types are limited to only allowing 3 network interfaces to be attached the instance.

This means the SBC will only have the following network interfaces:

  • MGT0
  • HA0
  • PKT0

Since there is no PKT1 interface, you do not need to create the PKT1 subnet and security group.

Supported Instance Types

A small SBC SWe in AWS only supports the following instance types:

  • m5.large
  • m5n.large

Third Party c-group Support

Third-party c-group support for the SBC requires a minimum of 4vCPUs. Since a small SBC SWe has only 2vCPUs, you cannot enable this feature.


The following limitations for a small SBC SWe in AWS exist:

  • As of this release, only small SBC SWe standalone is supported.
  • You cannot set a traffic profile.


Cloud Formation

The Ribbon Cloud Formation Templates for small SBC SWe in AWS include the term 'smallSWe' in the filename. 

The small SBC SWe templates remove the following options, as they are not supported:

  • SecurityGrpPkt1
  • SubnetIdPkt1
  • NumberOfAlternateIPOnPkt1
  • NumberOfEIPOnPkt1
  • ReveseNatEnablePkt1
  • ThirdPartyCpuAlloc
  • ThirdPartyMemAlloc

See Instantiating a Standalone SBC SWe Instance from CFN topic for more information on Cloud Formation.


For terraform, the same terraform scripts are used for both a small SBC SWe and a standard size SBC SWe. The terraform.tfvars script requires the updates specified in the README.md for each module.

For example, you must make the following changes for sbc_stand_alone (taken from orchestration/aws/sbc _stand_alone/README.md in the RAF package):

  1. Set is_small_swe to true
  2. Remove the fourth element from the following lists:
    • sbc_subnet_names
    • subnet_cidr_blocks
    • map_public_ip_on_launch
    • sbc_private_ips_count_list
    • sbc_route_table_names
    • sbc_security_group_names
  3. Set sbc_pkt1_public_ips_count to 0
  4. Set rnat_pkt1 to false
  5. Set pkt1 to false in attach_rules_to_existing_security_groups_map
  6. Set pkt1_security_group_rule_list to []

The preceding steps are for example purposes only, and are subject to change. Always check the README.md for the latest steps.