SNMP NameptMTP3NANodeSNMPeerHostUnavailable
DescriptionThis event indicates that an SNM peer host on the routing CPU is unavailable. The SNM is the controller process for MTP3.
ActionSee the following Recommended Action

Recommended Action

If this alarm is raised when an operator shuts down a CPU in the process of a software upgrade, no action is required. If this alarm is unexpected, follow these steps.


Use the system start and stop commands with care on a live system. Using these commands may disrupt communication.

  1. Log in to the Web UI as root.

  2. From the System Main Menu, click Processes.

  3. Click Watchdog Processes (WD).   
    1. Select the first Routing and Management VM (virtual slot) from the Watchdog Process Details on drop-down list.

  4. Click Update.

  5. Make note of the Restarts from Process Termination (RPT) and Restarts from Heartbeat Timeout (RHT) values for the snm process.

  6. From the System Main Menu, click Processes.

If WD outputs only the slotmon process or no process, this means that the system software is not running. In this case, restart the software using the following steps:

  1. Select System Start/Stop Commands.

  2. Select the slot from the Slot Selection drop-down list.

  3. Select Restart All Software Applications.

  4. Click Continue.

If the issue is not resolved, contact Customer Support

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