In this section:

Benchmarking Setup

Ribbon used the two test beds below to collect benchmarking data.

  • 1:1 HA SBC-CE with HFE 2.1 on GCP.
  • Test tools: Two PKTARTs on GCP - one for UAC in Public Subnet, and another for UAS with private Subnet. 

Benchmarking Setup


 Performance Metrics

  • The performance numbers below have no alarms or any other error, unless specified. 
  • The limiting factor is packet loss and retransmissions, unless any other is specified (excluding transcode).
  • The core-wise usage is not mentioned here as the profile used is the default in most of the cases, unless specified.
  • Packet loss data contains the maximum packet loss for end points as a percentage. 


Seq. NbrInstance Type HAInstance Type HFEScenarioProfileCPS/CHTSessionsMaximum Memory UsedCPU/Core Utilization (Avg/Max)
1n1-standard-4n1-standard-4711-711(ulaw)DEFAULT 20/100  200044.64% 23.66/20.41
 2 n1-standard-4n1-standard-4 729-729DEFAULT 20/100 2000 44.55 %30.3/26.5
 3 n1-standard-4n1-standard-4 TLS SRTP (711-711) DEFAULT 20/100 2000 25.75 % 42/49
 4 n1-standard-4n1-standard-4 711-729 transcodeDEFAULT 1.5/100 150 25.16 % 60/72
 5n1-standard-8 n1-standard-8MULAW(711-711) DEFAULT 30/100 3000 32 % 27/33
6n1-standard-8 n1-standard-8TLS SRTP (711-711)STANDARD PASSTHROUGH15/100150044.17 % 30.3/26.48
7n1-standard-8 n1-standard-8711-729 transcodeSTANDARD TRANSCODE5/10050026.54 % 23/32
8n1-standard-8 n1-standard-8729 passthruDEFAULT 25/100250029.94 % 26/32