MicroSD Card Features describes supported EdgeMarc 2900 Series microSD card features.

For information about configuring microSD card settings, see the EdgeMarc VOS User Guide in the Ribbon Communications Knowledgebase: Ribbon Communications Knowledge Base.


Some older and slower speed microSD cards do not support the entire MMC specification. These cards can dramatically reduce the card write speeds and the overall performance of the system. Recommended microSD cards are class 10, UHS 1 or faster. 

MicroSD Card Features

File formatMS-DOS File Allocation Table FAT32 (Limited Support), Ext3
MicroSD card
Class 10, and UHS-1
Recommended default is Class 10 or faster.
CapacityMaximum storage capacity: 32 GB per microSD card, 4 GB per file.

File Commands

  • delete = rm
  • copy = cp
  • rename = mv
  • edit = vi or cat

Directory Commands

  • create = mkdir
  • delete = rmdir
  • rename = mv

MicroSD Card Commands

  • mount = sdcard mount
    In FAT32 format if the microSD card (or SD card) was not properly unmounted, this command will result in the following syslog message: “Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck.” Since EdgeMarc no longer supports dos fsck tool, this must be fixed either on an EdgeMarc with pre-15.3.0 VOS or on an appropriate Windows system.
  • unmount = sdcard umount
    format* = sdcard format
    Please note that Quick Format is not available in EdgeMarc versions 15.3.0 and above. A microSD card of 32 GB can take up to 35 minutes to be formatted.
  • name/rename SD card* = sdcard volume <volume name>
  • status* = sdcard check
*Supports only Ext3 file system
EdgeMarc filesYou can copy the following types of files to and from the microSD card using the CLI: conf1, conf2, syslog, pcap, mand logs, sys_report output.
TFTP serverThe TFTP file server is used for endpoint configuration file storage.
FTP serverThe FTP file server is used for endpoint configuration file storage.
Remote accessSSH into the EdgeMarc 2900e via SCP for remote access to the microSD card and files within the microSD card.
System alerts for
microSD card
A system alert is issued when a microSD card is inserted or removed. The alert contains the timestamp of the event.

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