Switching to GRHA Mode


This feature is not configurable during software installation nor is it changeable during an upgrade.

NOTEGeographical Redundancy High Availability (GRHA) is supported on SBC hardware platforms and SWe 1:1 HA deployments. It is not supported in N:1 HA or cloud-based deployments.


Accomplish the following steps to switch to GRHA mode:

  1. Upgrade the SBC application either using LSWU or Platform Manager.

  2. From the CLI command prompt, perform one of the steps below, depending on your configuration. For example, in SBC Core, set bond monitoring type to network-connect and leader election algorithm type to enhanced:

    > request system admin sbx1 setHaConfig bondMonitoring network-connect leaderElection enhanced

Verifying GRHA Mode

Accomplish the following step to verify GRHA mode:

> show table system haConfig 
                        LEADER     BOND 
sbx1.eng.Ribbonnet.com   enhanced   network-connect
sbx2.eng.Ribbonnet.com   enhanced   network-connect

Switching Out of the GRHA Mode

To set bond monitoring type to direct-connect and leader election algorithm type to standard, enter the following command:

> request system admin sbx1 setHaConfig bondMonitoring direct-connect leaderElection standard

 Verifying non-GRHA Mode

Accomplish the following step to verify non-GRHA mode:

> show table system haConfig 
                        LEADER     BOND 
sbx1.eng.Ribbonnet.com   standard   direct-connect
sbx2.eng.Ribbonnet.com   standard   direct-connect