In this section:

In the Google Cloud Platform, the Terraform module orchestrates the SBC HA pair with either of the following:

  • HFE 2.0 - One HFE node with five interfaces
  • HFE 2.1 - Two HFE nodes, each with three interfaces


Before executing the Terraform module, ensure that you:

  1. Create a project in which the resources are kept.
  2. Download the accounts.json file from your GCP account, and place it under the directory that contains the Terraform files. Refer to "Account Permissions for Terraform" of the page GCP Service Account Permissions for required permissions.
  3. Upload the script to a bucket. For more information, refer to Create a Bucket in Cloud storage for HFE script upload.
  4. Create a Service Account for running the instances. For more information, refer to GCP Service Account Permissions.

Ensure the following files are present under main source directory:

Main Source Directory

File NameComment


Contains all the sub-modules used to create the resources like VPCs, Subnets, and Firewalls.


Contains all the files needed to instantiate the HFE 2.0.
hfe_module_splitContains all the files needed to instantiate the HFE 2.1.


Contains all the files needed to instantiate the SBC.


Main directory used to create a Standalone SBC.


Main directory used to create a SBC HA pair with HFE 2.0.
sbc_hahfe_splitMain directory used to create a SBC HA pair with HFE 2.1.



Do not create a router and a router-nat, if it already exists for the VPC network/subnet. 

To create a new one, specify different VPC network/subnet to avoid an error.

If a router and router-nat containing all subnet ranges exists, you cannot create a new one. 


Standalone SBC

To create a Standalone SBC, modify the terraform.tfvars under the directory sbc_stand_alone/, and execute the Terraform commands mentioned below.

A screenshot of terraform.tfvars is shown below. Modify the highlighted parameters based on the user account/requirements. You may modify values for other parameters based on the deployment. The description of the parameters are in

terraform.tfvars for Standalone SBC





SBC HA with HFE 2.0

To create an HA SBC with HFE 2.0, modify the terraform.tfvars under the directory sbc_hahfe_single/, and execute the Terraform commands mentioned below.

A screenshot of terraform.tfvars is shown below. Modify the highlighted parameters depending on the user account/requirements. You may modify the values of the other parameters based on the deployment.

The description of the parameters are available in

terraform.tfvars for HA SBC With HFE 2.0





SBC HA with HFE 2.1

To create an HA SBC with HFE 2.1, modify the terraform.tfvars under the directory sbc_hahfe_split/, and execute the Terraform commands mentioned below.

A screenshot of terraform.tfvars is shown below. Modify the highlighted parameters depending on the user account/requirements. You may modify the values of the other parameters based on the deployment.

The description of the parameters are available in

terraform.tfvars for HA SBC With HFE 2.1





Execute Terraform Commands

After all the parameters are updated, execute the following commands:

terraform init
terraform validate
terraform plan
terraform apply