In this section:

Use this object to edit the fields directly under Signaling.

On the SBC main screen, navigate to All > Global > Signaling.

The Signaling window displays.

Edit Signaling

In the Edit Signaling pane, edit the values of the parameters and flags.

Edit Signaling

Global - Signaling - Edit Signaling

Teams Support

Enable this flag to configure SIP Signaling for interfacing with MS Teams.

NOTE: When you enable this global control, the SBC sends out both SDES and DTLS in the offer, if both are enabled in the Packet Service Profile. This might only be required if there is a Microsoft Teams client running in a browser.

  • Disabled (default)
  • Enabled
Max Num TransfersSpecifies the maximum number of transfers (10-100) that the SBC allows within a call; default is 10.
SIP IP Peer Stats

Enable this flag to configure support for SIP IP Peer Statistics in the SBC.

  • Disabled (default)
  • Enabled