In this section:


Use this object to configure the prefix match parameters for a Called Prefix Match Profile.

Prior to configuring a Prefix Match, you must create at least one Called Prefix Match Profile.

To View and Select a Prefix Match

On the SBC main screen, navigate to All > Profiles > Signaling > Called Prefix Match Profile > Prefix Match.

The Prefix Match window displays.

Select a Called Prefix Match Profile from the drop-down list.

The prefix match tables for the selected Called Prefix Match Profile displays in the Prefix Match List pane.

Prefix Match


Select a prefix match table from the list. The Prefix Match pane displays.

Prefix Match List - Selected

To Copy a Selected Prefix Match

Select a prefix match table from the Prefix Match List pane, and click Copy Prefix Match.

The Copy Selected Prefix Match pane displays.

Copy Selected Prefix Match


Edit the fields displayed in the pane, and click Save.

To Create a New Prefix Match 

Click +New Prefix Match. The Create New Prefix Match pane displays.

Create New Prefix Match


For each profile, you can create a maximum of 50 prefix match tables for each Called Prefix Match Profile.

Prefix Match- Field Descriptions

String Pattern
1-12 digits; 'X' or 'x' charactersN/A

 The regex pattern for the matched string (1-12 digits, 'X' or 'x' characters).

Start PositionN/AN/AThe position of the string (0-11) from which the matching starts.M
Digit Length1-30N/AThe maximum number of digits from the start position that can exist in the string for it to be considered as a match. Ensure that the total number of digits in the string is less than or equal to the sum of the values of Start Position and Digit Length. The Digit Length allows for a maximum of 30 digits.M

Enter the values of the fields displayed in the pane, and click Save.

To create prefix match tables for a different profile, select a profile from the Called Prefix Match Profile drop-down list, and repeat the procedure mentioned above.

To Delete a Selected Prefix Match 

Select a profile in the Prefix Match List pane, and click the delete icon at the end of the selected row.

Confirm the delete prompt.

A success message displays.